Onto Edmonton. Toronto Airport is possibly the most efficient, clean and pleasant airport I have ever been to, as a travel tart, I have been to a few.
On the plane I was in a group of seats taking workersto the Oil fields in North Edmonton, known as the Tar Sands. I was talking to the group who are clearly making a killing up there and work 20 days on and have 8 off. Chris, who I sat next to, had left home in Novascotia at 2.00am, travelled three hours by car to the airport, checked in for a four hour flight, then waits for a 1.5 hour transfer to the field. Total travel time approx 12 - 13 hours all in. That's quite a commute.
I went to Tourist info and quickly found my way to my accommodation via the Sky Bus, excellent value.
The following day after all the trouble with the car hire, I got on the road and what a jouney it has been. I arrived in Jasper about 7.30pm and found a B&B. I had spoken to some other travellers who were sitting dejectedly on the grass outside a closed Information Centre. I realised quickly that bedswere in short supply and decided that it was a priority to find something. I knocked on a door where a Vacancy sign hung. Bruno answered and I did a cash deal with him, was shown to a room and stayed there for two days. A little while after I had arrived another couple went into the other room and i heard them sayinf that it was lucky they had found this B&B as the others were full.
I was happy, the views were simply stunning and the room reasonably comfortable. I did a lot of planning and reading of maps and then went out for supplies. It's quite expensive in Jasper, 1.30 pounds for the equivelant 43p bar of Kit Kat. Internet is $2 for 20 mins and no sliding scale compared to Toronto $3 for an hour. Good old Toronto Go Jess!
Hey a shout out to Jan in Niagara. Jan tell Ernie that I got to West Edmonton Mall - pretty good. You can tell him that he was correct. It is BIG.
Read the next update on this fabulous area next.
All the best
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