Hey again:)
So, we are in Singapoooore! YEY! It's a fine city. Really it is. They fine you for about everything here! You'll get a 500$ fine for chewing gum!! You're not allowed to do anything here. Haha. But it's a nice city too, all though it's _very_ expensive. Too many stores here.
The first day here, we ended up going out to some bar in Orchard. It was 50% prostitutes (.. we think), a few locals and a whole lot of British. Hooking up with the girls obviously. We didn't drink that much though, cus it costs like 18$ for a drink! Whoah. Yesterday we didn't really do that much? Saw the malls, or.. hm. I can't remember really. Haha, what a blog right? Today was the big day, we were supposed to go to Universal Studios, but it was sold out:( So we're going tomorrow instead. We went to Singapore Science Center instead! it was fun, all the strange things they had there. Made me feel a little stupid sometimes. Haha. All the young kids knew what everything was but I had absolutely no idea.
After that the girls found their way back to another mall. Damn. It's too many of them here, really. That's a problem we can't afford. or fit for that matter. Did you know that Emily brought almost twice as much as Winnie? Oopsie.
- comments
Jenni Emily love....of course you brought twice as much as Winnie..would you be Emily if not???? ;-)