So in the interests of Literary acuracy, I'm actually now in Adelaide as I write this but I needed to have every country that I've visited on the blog to. So Singapore Singapore Singapore...."What's it like"? I hear you say. "Awesome" I reply. haha
So I managed to have a hell of a journey getting there. I managed to leave Bali after one last mojito and a couple more for the road and headed off to the town of Surabaya as the cheapest flight to SIngapore was from there. The bus was a definate experience and sleep was a non event. After 12 hours of Karaoke, Strange locals laughing at me for no reason and 4 food stops I arrived at Surabaya at 4 in the morning, tired, dejected and not that happy. Still my flight was only 6 hours later so I set off to see the city . Well all I can say was the highlight was the taxi to the airport and leaving the place. The flight arrived in good time in Johor Bharu and then it was another bus ride to immigration for Singapore and into the city. Slight problem when I got to Immigration in that nobody gave a white card to get in. "what's the white card"? I said. White card needed....where is yours"? "Errrrr I don't have one.....sorry". At this point I got pulled behind the immigration desk with the officer to fill a card out. It really wasn't a huge issue I thought but the guards seemed to think so. After 5 mins though and a few requests to stamp peoples passports ( I look like a border post guard) I was through and heading to the city centre. 7 months of travelling still didn't make me realise that this is a comletely different country and that certain things like different money and practices would apply. As a result I ended up stuck in the middle of the city with no way of getting to my hostel. Man this sucked and I was pretty peed off. Then I heard my name being yelled at me form across the street. Tessa was randomly passing by in a Taxi. It was comforting if a little ear piercing to know that someone knew me in the city. After that random meeting I gave up trying to find my guest house and checked into the "Cozy Corner Guesthouse" which was neither cozy or on a corner but at S$14 a night, was a real bargain.
So spent the next two days wandering around the city and I have to say it was pretty awesome. People like to say that it is clinically clean, stale and to new. However after some of the s***holes i've been in on this trip I was happy to be there. It's true that life revolves around shopping and eating. Being a big fan of the latter I was a happy chap. I met up with Tessa (who by the way is now stalking me in OZ...these Italians!) and we saw some sights and then went for the ultimate cliche, a Singapore Sling at Raffles and lots of peanuts. All in all a wicked couple of days.
So, that's 7 months in Asia completed. I have to say that I am really sad to be leaving. There were loads of good times and some bad but I can't deny that it's been an awesome place to travel in. Highlights would have to include Everest Base Camp, staying in the Golden temple of Amritsar, The Jaisalmer trek, Scary bus rides to Nepal /India borders, the slow boat and Tubing in Laos, Mojitos in Bali, Beaches on the Gili and Perhentian Islands and the madness of Hanoi. I could list all the bad stuff to but that would take away form the happy reflections on this blog (ok, just one then...getting Hep from poo laced food in India, not a happy time, and wallet being stolen. Why I oughta.)
Anyway, it's time for pastures new and they start in Adelaide. I'm still recovering from various email bashings from friends and family for not spending longer in OZ so I'm going to make sure I enjoy my limited time here. It will be filled by seeing sights, drinking beers and refreshing my memory of the card game, Scum. It's cold which is awesome. I've missed British style weather for the past 7 months.
So only a short blog today but more in the next couple of weeks.
Peace out
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