Arrived in Johdpur to find that they had'nt received my booking from the day before and that i didn't have a room. Luckily the Guest House quickly cleared out another room and let me stay there for the 1 night I needed. It was surprisingly good considering.
On the way to Johdpur I had my first experience of Indian buses. I met two fellow brits on the bus and jumped on to the busiest bus i've ever been on and held on for dear life as we went over pot holes and dodged cows! To make matters worse the kid in front of us threw up out of the window but it flew back into the bus all over one of my fellow brits! Nice. Still these things happen and we eventually ended up in Johdpur 6 hours later.
The next day, I headed out to Meharangh Fort which imposingly stands above the whole city. You will be pleased to know that I acted like a proper European tourist and used the audio tour for the whole trip. The forts architecture was amazing, but perhaps the most interesting part of the fort are the handprints on the wall. These belong to the Maharajahs wives, who made inprints of their hands before throwing themselves onto his funeral pyre. All a bit OTT but I guess love makes you do strange things.
I spent the rest of the day hanging in the park. (Anna you will be pleased that I finally learn't to hang). I was joined though by 7 Indian Kids who talked to me for the whole afternoon asking me questions about everything and anything. One of them called me a benchod, which as some of you will know is quite offensive over here. He was suprised that I knew what it meant and so I called him it back. Not very big of me but when in rome etc.
Off to Delhi tonight and then to Varanasi.
I'll put the photos up soon but the computers are so slow here.
Till next time
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