Just a quick one!
The wedding didn't happen. Our transport was pronounced dead before we even left Wellington so there was no way of getting up to the Bay of Plenty. Instead we went and watched England get stuffed by the Kiwis at the cricket. A good day out and not bad for your first cricket match but England were hopeless and still are!
After a couple of days in Wellington sponging on some free accommodation from my cousin we headed north to Taupo where we have been based for the last few days. On our first day in Taupo we actually headed west to a place called Waitomo where we did some black water rafting. Black water rafting is nothing like white water rafting. First you abseil down into a huge hole (the Waitomo caves) where you can't see anything because it's so dark and the hole is about one and half meters in diameter. Once you're down the instructors harness you up onto a zip wire where you fly down about 60 meters (and they make you turn your head torches off) so in total darkness - it was brilliant and terrifying! We were in the caves for about four hours jumping of ledges and waterfalls about 7 meters up and because it's so dark you can't see the water below. It was great fun.
Yesterday, we walked for about an Hour from our hostel to the Hucker Falls which is also where there is some thermal spas which are basically natural volcanic spas. We ended up grabbing a free bath and ending up soaking there for a few hours.
From Taupo we are heading north to Rotorua and then to Gisbourne so I will let you know what we get up to when we're there!
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