Our latest entry
Grand Canyon, Arizona
We broke up the 3 hour drive to the Grand canyon from the ranch, by taking in some more '66' sights, the museum (had to be done!) and another roadside diner 'Mr D'zs' for some pretty good burgers and sweet potato fries. We finally arrived at the very busy and very cold grand canyon at dusk and realised we hit one of the World's most famous …
will smith looks incredible, im very jealous!
re: photo from 17 December 2011Leanne Coghill You really are a lucky girl Laura......to find someone as attractive as Will! Loving the blog. Looks like you are having a fab time, couldn't be more jealous as I satr at home in the miserable weather suffering with flu. Heard about your wrist, hope you are ok?! Enjoy Hawaii! Leanne x x x
re: Will looking hotLuckie You have the moonoply on useful informationaren't monopolies illegal? ;)
re: photo from 06 December 2011thanos hahahaha
re: The Cheese shop and the Cheese hat!!edward Aitken Looks like a nice place to live, no noisy neighbors!!
re: photo from 21 November 2011Edward Aitken did you know if you whistle the seals will do nothing!!
re: photo from 21 November 2011shanni haha!!!
re: Wills atempt at being artistic with a fall leafyrmum Laura - you should publish this in Decanter or the like!!! Well done - sounds amazing. xxxx
re: Eating & Drinking in Wine Countrybob geldoff im jealous, i want to live in a camper van..
re: Bye Bye Tom HarveyBernine Sounds amazing!!! Obviously having a great time. We are missing you loads though. Xx
re: Eating & Drinking in Wine CountryEdward Aitken Racists!! x
re: Ducks CrossingEd Amazing, gay and a touch of why! x
re: photo from 17 November 2011Edward Aitken 'Honey.......I shrunk you' this is the caption you are looking for!
re: Americas Supersized VehiclesEdward Aitken Thirsty were we? you have finished the wine before the photo!!
re: photo from 17 November 2011Ed Not very scary but a better effort than Will x
re: photo from 12 November 2011