Istanbul is the most packed city I can remember being in. I have no idea what the overall population is, but there are apartments on top of houses, businesses under them, and so many people per square mile, it is overwhelming. And any direction that you look, you can see at least 4 or 5 mosques.
We took the long way around town and showed up too late for the actual Grand Bazaar, but shopped all around the outskirts. Inside the bazaar area things were 10 times the prices of the outskirts anyway. I think I have sucker tattooed on my forehead sometimes, I swear.
It took us much longer than usual to travel around, as we were avoiding the riot areas and dangerous zones, which happened to be in the middle of where we were traveling.
We did hit the Fatih area, near the Blue Mosque, during a celebration day for the community. It was fun to dance during the music they played before they started their celebration. The children were all dressed in traditional clothing. During prayer time, there are loud speakers throughout the city that play the Muslim prayers.
As we prepped to head home, I am so grateful we live in a free country. Being in Istanbul during their conflict was eye opening to see the limits they have in their country. The interesting thing is that some of the people there said it was no big deal, but the ones that were honest told a different story.
The hotel clerk at our first hotel said that his housemate had gone the first day and was going every night ever since. Many of the people are unhappy with the restrictions that are in place there, but lack a cohesive voice or leader to properly articulate their message. It will be interesting to see it all play out.
Istanbul had amazing artisans showcased through its textiles, pottery, rugs, jewelry and clothing. It seemed like the shopping was endless, but the deals were not. Things were pricey, and there was so much to buy!!!!
I don't know that I would want to return to Istanbul again. I never quite felt safe there, and although it was a magical place in many ways, it wasn't a place to let loose and explore. The security at the airport was probably necessary but insane. Ten layers and everyone seemed as though they were looking for something to pin on you, it was a weird feeling to feel trapped in essence at someone else's direction, with no recourse should something go wrong.
The food was amazing in Istanbul and we were adventurous to try quite a bit. There were stands everywhere selling saffron rice, breads, kabobs, etc. The best thing we ate was the saffron rice by far. You can't drink the water there, so even at the hotels, they tell you to boil the water. We just used the coffee pot and filled up glasses each night, and bought a lot of bottled water.
Overall, we are all VERY glad to be headed home! Wonderful and exciting trip, filled with excitement and so many amazing experiences. So glad we had the opportunity to go, and so glad that Adam went with us. We had a blast!
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