Roger's latest entry
Lymington, UK
.....But not where we planned.
The weather forecast today was for a southerly force 3 to 4, veering southwesterly force 5 to 7, with a gale force 8 later.
We have known for a couple of days that this was coming, but what to do today? We couldn't get out of the Solent before 1pm because of the strong contrary spring tide in the Hurst narr…
Mac Blackman It has been great to keep up with your adventures on this blog - well done and thanks for taking the time each day to keep us up-to-date
re: The adventure comes to an endGlen Glad you made it back bro
re: The adventure comes to an endA fellow adventurer Well done White Satin and all who sailed in her!
re: The adventure comes to an endMaureen Phew! Congratualtions and welcome 'home'. I've enjoyed following your blog. Have you started planning your next adventure or are you going to sleep for a month?
re: The adventure comes to an endSimon & Lorraine Ah ha - so the 'cunning plan' included you two wild rockers taking in the Isle of Wight Festival! Few tips to help you fit in - wear your trousers perched precariously on your butt cheeks, pretend you've spent the last 3 weeks going to bed at 4am, not getting up, and leave the folding chairs and knee rugs in a locker on the boat! Loved the blog and the adventures, but glad you're safely back in home waters.
re: Back in home territoryIan P-S Bet you're missing the lion and the witch already. Well done.
re: Back in home territoryA fellow adventurer Well done you!
re: Back in home territoryAli Wow! What a great sight. Must have cheered up the Two Tired Sailors.
re: Silly o'clockAli Glad you've made it back to another one of the nice(r) places. The coach may be quicker than White Satin but not nearly as much fun! Look forward to hearing of your safe arrival somewhere new tomorrow. Cheers!
re: Foul tide dayGlen Well we made Hundested marina. By quay side sun out 6 bars in sight. Spare mooring in front of van n wanna reserve it??
re: DungenessGlen Thought that was wot you normally did when you got back from the curry house !
re: Back in the ChannelIan P-S Not tempted by Ramsgate then? Ha ha.
re: North ForelandIan P-S I had a few family holidays in Broadstairs when I was a kid. Wonder if Coco the beach clown is still there or at least one of his descendants, or the Punch and Judy show.
re: North ForelandHelen J I don't understand this bridge, does the middle bit just slide up and down? Pretty exciting if that's the case!
re: photo from 16 June 2012Helen J Everyone else is wearing shorts yet Dad is in his big thick jacket?
re: photo from 17 June 2012