After 2 very bumpy buses, and a mini bus transfer at 4am, we arrived in Bonito 13 hours later feeling pretty tired. It was really difficult to sleep on the overnight bus this time as the road surface didn´t seem too great and were are speed bumps everywhere.
We are not entirely sure why we are in Bonito. It seems to be that whenever you have a long bus journey GAP think you should stop the next day. We are starting to wish they wouldn´t do this as we don´t feel like we have much to do on these days.
We have 2 nights in Bonito so decided to catch up on our sleep after arriving. The town has just one main street that we have walked up and down already. There´s no much apart from local shops, pousadas and restaurants. Therefore we decided to spend the afternoon drinking ice cold beers, playing various cards games and Yahtzee! We were all slightly worse for wear by dinner time!
The shower in our hotel this time is interesting! We don´t think they have grasped the electric shower concept yet (look at the photos!) as the live plug socket is behind the shower head! A couple of our group have had an electifying shower. We have been lucky so far.
This morning we decided we needed to do something today so we took at tour to the local cave. A taxi picked four of us up from the hotel and we were happily drving out of the town, commenting on the strange looking cows they have here, when suddenly the road disappeared! We had a 20km drive along a dirt track with the taxi performing rally type moves to avoid the huge stones alll along the road! We passed a car with a flat tyre which wasn´t surprising. Thankfully we made it to the cave in one piece.
The tour down in to the cave was good. Our guide didn´t speak English so we´re not too hot on details from the trip. We really need to learn another language properly as are feeling pretty ignorant not knowing much Portugeuse. We are trying though, and have mastered a few phrases. In a couple of days we will leave Brazil and then it will be Spanish speaking countries we will be in for the rest of the trip. Hopefully we will pick up some more Spanish as we go along.
We climbed down to a blue lagoon at the bottom of the cave. The water was really clear and blue. The cave was pretty impressive with lots of stalagmites and stalagtites. At least we have done something today!
On to the Pantanal next where we get to go horse riding and on safari through the wetlands. Looking forward to seeing Brian on a horse!
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