Find Patrick
I haven't got enough for a full post here, it's just I've seen a few things today that makes me realise the US of A has it's fair share of problems. The homeless/begging situation is pretty bad. People getting on trains and telling everyone their stories in New York is a new thing. Out here on the West Coast, well Seattle at least, everyone just makes themselves signs and sits next ti them (I think its more that everyone is a bit more laid back here).
I've seen a couple that have prove that their public health system, well, needs some work. You do see people that would probably be better off in a nice cushioned room, or at least someone watching them 24 hours a day.
Thing is, when begging and being a few cards short of a deck combine, you do get some interesting signs that, well, make it hard not to see the humour in.
'Ninjas killed my father so need money for Karate lessons'
'Boob jobs. Buy one boob get one free' graced the streets today.
Anyone who smiled after reading that can join me in hell.
I've seen a couple that have prove that their public health system, well, needs some work. You do see people that would probably be better off in a nice cushioned room, or at least someone watching them 24 hours a day.
Thing is, when begging and being a few cards short of a deck combine, you do get some interesting signs that, well, make it hard not to see the humour in.
'Ninjas killed my father so need money for Karate lessons'
'Boob jobs. Buy one boob get one free' graced the streets today.
Anyone who smiled after reading that can join me in hell.
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