There and back again... a future kiwi's tale
Well we've made it to LAX. I am sitting in the hallway next to a power outlet to charge Phil's laptop.
We've had quite a day already...mad dash to the ferry that left 1 minute before we got there...chatty cathy cab driver from Iran extolling the virtues of Greece (blech)
The guy next to me on the plane said he was coming from Dublin Ireland. I asked if he was sober he laughed...then proceeded to tell me he had a six pack of guinness in his back pack.
Waiting for our 11:25 RED EYE to Auckland - LW
I just flew into LA and boy is my butt tired! My spiffy new luggage is super space op-to-mized (would you expect anything less?) however it mean's it's a *mite* heavy. I was litterally giggling as I seemingly bent space to fit more clothes in my backpack then likely fit in my closet. I used an ingenious and I'm sure patented shirt folding board before moving onto the also sure to be patented shirt-squishing cube made by Eagle Creek - who also made my backpack! Thanks go out to Mr. Queenan for the excellent luggage suggestion of a combination rolly-suitcase/backpack. Without which I might be cursed to only have 4 shirts and 3 pair of pants! The Horror!
Of course carrying the laptop, charger, lan cables, usb cables, camera, camera charger, etc. also makes it challenging. This roughing it is tough! Where's my brain jack?!? I hope I live long enough to just plug in to the internet, but Laura has threatened to leave me if I get one. Maybe if I have her carry the backpack she'll be more inclined to see things my way? Hmmmm....
Well they should start the boarding process in about 30 minutes. Time enough to see if anything fun and exciting is going on in WoW (World of Warcraft for my non-gaming friends).
Next update won't be until Auckland - see you on Wednesday (our time). Tuesday is so last week. - PW
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