Hi blog readers i know its been a long time since i wrote but we have been busy, not just milking cows! We finished work and stopped first at Te Anau, which was very quiet. We went on a trip to the glow worm caves, even the walk through the caves was amazing, the river running through the caves to the lake was all lit up and there was a pretty big underground waterfall. When we got to the glow worm grotto everything got dark and we got into a small boat and just bobbed about on a small reservoir in the pitch black, sometimes we got so close to the worms you could almost touch them, we didn't as we would have squashed them. It was really cool like floating around in the stars.
Next we went to Milford, we decided that we would kyack(sorry can't spell that) onto the sounds. We got very wet and had sore arms but we were glad we did it that way instead of just doing the big boat cruise like everyone else. We got four hours on the water, we got up close to the waterfalls and saw a small fur seal on a rock, sandfly point lives up to it's name too.
Queens town was next, which is a really cool place set on a lake and surrounded by mountains. We were really lucky as the second day we were there it snowed, much to the snowboarders delight!, we went up to the top of the nearest mountain on a gondola and the view was amazing. All the mountains were snow capped and we got a really good view of queenstown and the lake, bit scary on the way down though as the wind had picked up!
Next we went to the Franz Josef Glacier to do the Helihike we had saved up to do, very expensive but once in a lifetime. When we arrived it was raining, it rained for the next three days so no helihike and theres nothing to do in Franz Josef town so we spent our time watching videos and eating free popcorn, at least we saved a bit of cash. The fourth day and the sky was blue, finally, we got booted up and were waiting by the helicopter when the pilot rang through that the wind had picked up and they were not flying, we did get up on the afternoon flight though. The flight was only ten minutes and was ok untill it started to circle to get low enough to land on the ice, very scary! We put crampons (spikes) on our boots and walked for three hours across the glacier. It was amazing, everything was glowing blue and we stepped over small cravasses and walked passed big ice caves. on the flight down we sat in the front which was much better, a really great day one we will never forget.
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