Now we have landed in Brisbane, to be honest we done next to no touristy stuff here instead we caught up with friends from home. One of Vic school mates, Audrey lives there with her hubby to be. So we meet them and had afew drinks and then had a really nice lazy sunday with them at there house - definatly beats hanging out in a hostel!!
WE also cought up with Joy and Gillian two girls from Derrylin - both working there now and was good to see them too - fill them in with the gossip and what not.
We also caought up with some travel buddy's and that was about all we did in Brisbane!!
O one thing was that we went up soem random clocktower and checked out the views!! WHOOP WHOOP :)
PS you can tell i'm knida loosing it with this blog writing - i started off on such a high!!! xx
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