This is Gaomiao; the nearest town. It is one of the most ancient towns in China and a world heritage sight. However, the tourist industry is yet to venture this far. As it stands, it's an undiscovered gem.
Each week, Market Day is a much anticipated local event. People from all the surrounding villages gather to sell and buy goods but also to catch up with old friends and gossip! People walk for miles to get there!
As an heritage site, the buildings in Gaomiao are protected. Much to their anger, the owners are not allowed to touch the appearance or structure of their houses. This is great, especially as Chinese have a developing fondness of easy to maintain concrete, public toilet lookalike new buildings. However, the wood won't last forever and the town is in great need of investment if it is to survive. Tourism may become its lifeline but not for now. For now, Gaomiao is completely untouched by China's mindless modernisation and as such retains a very special and authentic atmosphere within its ancient wooden streets. Eventually Bill and I would like to invest in the town and preserve this special place before it falls down!
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