09/11/2009 - We had to wake up really early to get our transfer to the airport, it felt like we had like no sleep at all. On the way to the airport we got to watch the sun rising over the city of melbourne which was very pretty. At the airport we checked ourselves in and got some supplies for the plane. The flight was only 3 hours and when we got off the plane the heat hit us. There was nothing around just desert, this was the same all the way to our hotel. The hostel looked decent and we went to check in but we were told our room wouldnt be ready for a few more hours so we decided to take a walk into town wich they said would take about 10 minutes, 20 minutes later we finally made it into town it was so hot! In the town there were lots of aboriginal people sitting around on the grass they didnt seem very friendly and didnt seem to mix with other people! We had a look around some of the shops and brought a water flask for our trip, we also tried to find a hat but we dident seem to like any. We then made our way back to the hostel as it was time to check in. We had a 6 bed dorm wich was pretty basic but would do for 1 night. We met two of our room mates, they had done the trip that we are doing and recomended we get hats with fly nets as there were loads of flys in Ularu so we headed back into town to get some. The hats looked so stupid but apparently we will need them. we had some dinner then went to the bar for a few drinks then headed to bed as it was an early start.
Our pick up time was 4.45am we were so tired we also thought we missed it because we didnt change the alarm time for the time difference and the man was a little late, but it was ok, we both had a little heart attack!! We were the 1st pickup, we went a picked up all the others and went to the office to check in. There was only 8 of us in the group wich was nice as we could spread out on the bus as it was a 6 hour journey. We set off and stoped after 2 hours at a petrol station literally in the middle of nowhere, our driver told us we were actually right in the middle of australia. We travelled for 3 hours to a place called kings canyon, we put on our silly hats and hiked into the canyon. It was so hot in there we were sweating and everyone had flies all around them but our silly hats were working. After the hike we got back on the bus and headed to Ularu but on the way we stopped off to get some beers. The campsite was really nice, we had little huts to sleep in and nice showers. We went straight for a dip in the pool which was freezing cold, we then went to join the other to go up a sand dune to watch the sun set over the Olgas with Ularu opposite. It was a really nice view and we had some beers up there! After the sun set we went back to camp for dinner, we had Kangaroo steak and Camel sausages wich were really nice!! We sat around the fire after and 'Molly' our driver told us about aboriginees and there lifestyles, after we layed down to look at the stars there were so many and they were so bright and were twinkling, it was wicked!!
We had to get up at 4am this morning to have breakfast and get to Ularu to watch the sun rise. The sun didnt rise over Ularu, but as the sun rose and hit Ularu it went red and looked really cool. After the sun rose we were dropped off at the base of Ularu to walk around it, you can walk up it but its against aboriginal believes so we decided not to. The walk took us 2 hours, and by the time we got round they closed the climb as it was to hot 38 degrees and it was only 9am. From Ularu we drove to the Olgas and went for a walk in the windy valley, it was very windy. We then headed back to camp for some lunch before our 6 hour journey to Alice Springs, We both slept for most of the journey. We got back to Alice Springs and had some dinner in the bar, there was a man in the bar with a snake so i got my picture taken with it, the man told me if he bites dont move that was quite scary so i quickly gave it back i think that put louisa off holding it. We then went to bed as we were so tired!
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