Today I decided to go to Disney land with two girls I met at the hostel. In the morning I couldn't find them so I thought I would go to akihabara instead. Then it turned out they just didn't wake up but they came out just before I left. So I went to Disney land with them. We went all the way there which Cost about 5$. Then found out that they had stopped selling tickets until 5. I decided to go to akihabara then but the girls stayed to wait til 5. Akihabara was not bad. But it was really crazy. I spent most of the time looking for these cheap gameboys someone had told me about but the cheapest I could find was $15....
After that I went to meet shihokos friend yuki. It was really difficult trying to meet him because I didn't realise how many train lines there were. Like so many they arnt all on one map. So the station he asked to meet at wasn't on my map and I didn't know that so I was just looking for ages. I could hardly use the net which didn't help. After sometime I rang yuki from a phonebox which cost a fortune. But he told me wat station on the jr map to go to. Finally I met him and his American friend at sudiobashi station. We went for dinner and it was great. We talked like old friends or something. After we went for icecream which was cool. It's strange here they call baskin and Robbins 31. But there is nothing about 31 on the shop. But back home we don't call it that and it has 31 on the logo. Wen I left I caught a differnt line home which I had never used before. It was like a subway....
That night I went again to this pub near my hostel. It's the only place I been going, it is nothing special just that it's the only place I can find that I like. The people there are great so I keep going back. It's much more western then where Japanese go to drink but it's better for me because the Japanese places are hmmm....a bit shifty. I think maybe some sort of brothel....
There are never other westerners at the pub but it's ok cause then I have to practise my Japanese. This was the last night I could go there and the bar tender let me try a glass of 'the best' saki for free. It was really nice. The beer there was great as well. It's called yebisu
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