So its been like Round 2 Thailand stylee! Kate left me and Bankok and the next day me, Kirsty, Lucy and Lauren headed to Samui, as i did 2 weeks earlier. The girls went and rode the elephants and feed the monkeys etc whilst i realised that my Visa was due to run out in 4 days... oh dear. So after inquiring at a few places i had 2 options, either a 16hr return journey bymini van (hell on earth) to Malaysia where i would cross the border and come straight back with a 30 day Visa. Or a 2 hr round trip to Samui's immigration office where i thought i could get a 10 day extension which would be just right. However i could only get a 7 day stamp which gave me to the 27th April to leave the country or face prison, fair enough!! Still though i chose the later.
Wes spent roughly 4 days in Samui on the beach getting drinks served to me by one of the bar managers, so i didnt even have to get up. Whilst at night we ventures to a few bars. On one of the days i got talking to some randoms, who the girls actually thought i knew already, ended up going out with them that night. Turned out to be quite eventful with Lucy and Lauren waking up with tatoos and 3 of the people we met got their tongue's pierced. Dont worry i didnt even though i remember thinking about it and actually sitting in the tattoo parlour with the guy discussing designs.. haha!
After Samui we went to Koh Phangan and the night i had been looking forward to was fastly approaching, Full Moon!! Not only was it just me and the girls i arranged to meet back up with Nick and Alan and some guys i met last time i was there, Sion and co. What a night it was, me and the girls bought some illuminus paint and decided to get all painted up with writing, stars and random patterns! Any other night we wouldve looked stupid, i probably did, but once we were out everyone was like it. The main beach where the party is in Koh Phangan is called Haad Rin and this beach was Rammed!! They say up to 10, 000 people are raving on the beach throughout the night! I met up with the guys plus many more and we had a right laugh there was lots of cheap Sansum buckets, dancing, damaged knees (Lucy this time), Mushroom mountain, Regaee bar, good House music, 3 legged dogs and just generally people having a brilliant time. Some of us didnt end up leaving the beach till around 9am and after fitting around 15 of us on the back of a dodgy cab/bus thing and watching a guy who looked like jesus wrestling he's paraletic girlfriend in the street, we headed to bed. I had such a funny night and was well pleased i done Full Moon.
The rest of the time on the island was pretty chilled apart from one night when we went out we got dropped off at the wrong resort. So we decided to walk along the beach hoping to find our place. It was pitch black and this point and we all sort of got that feeling its like the start of a film where 4 travellers going missing! We walked for about 15 mins and realised we were going the right way so all was cool until, i swear a pack of wolves, came out of know where barking and chasing us!! I honestly nearly crapped myslelf and cant remember if i screamed like a girl or not.. lol. They ended up barking and running round us all the way back, some of the girls looked terrified god knows what i looked like.. i just didnt want to catch rabbies!!
Next island was Phi Phi, this was one of my favourites and again with Nick and Alan with me aswell it was real good! To get there though we took the nightboat which took 8hrs. This was well funny, it was like how many foreigners can we fit on a boat! I was below deck and sleeping on a mat with some dodgy stranger next to me, cant say it was the best journey ive ever had but luckly i got a few hrs kip then waking up with back pain! Whilst in Phi Phi i done the usual get up, sunbath, go out party then sleep in! Bit like a holida not travelling! One day we trekked it up to the view point over the island which took a good couple of hours but was well worth it with fantastic views and sitting up the top with a monk and getting free bananas! We also went to a drag queen, thai man/women show thingy!! Was slightly disturbing but really funny still as you can imagine! Towards the end of our time on Phi Phi, Lucy and Lauren left to go home as they only came for 2 weeks, Kirst was a little upset but decided to stay and come do the rest of the trip with me, Nick and Alan. However she decided to go home early too and left us in Bangkok so it was just me and the boys left!
My Visa run out date was fastly approaching now and so i looked into getting flights to Vietnam.. after spending a whole day looking at prices and time etc.. i realsied you cant get a Vietnam visa on arrival you have to apply!! So quick where to next, how about Cambodia... so we look and they dont have as regular flights and ild also have to get to Bankok. To cut a long story short i couldget a flight to bankok in time but the flight to Cambodia would be leaving at 7am the day after my Visa expires!? Whoops!! So what do i do.. i decide to risk it!! I get back to this in a bit as some more things happen before which include...
You probably didnt guess it but the day i leave Phi Phi.. i deceide to be ill again, so the 2 hr boat journey to the mainland im constantly being sick.. Mmm nice! We were going to the hospital once on the mainland in Phuket anyway cause Nick went fishing one of the days and managed to get coral stuck in his foot and could hardly walk so sicknotes as we are headed there! I saw a doctor who just gave me hundreds of pills and Nick got the coral dug out of his foot.. yeah Yuk and i dont think he enjoyed it much! So we flew up to Bankok after a 2 hr delay and feeling rough as and then had to wait in the airport for 6hrs for the next flight to cambodia. Which is when obviously the panic set in!! They kept joking saying i was going to get arrested at which i was starting to believe. Eventually it was time to check in and go through passport control i was panicking and as i walked thorugh the lady noticed mine had run out and called an official over!! Great!! after a few minutes though and me saying i had been to hospital and some other rubbish they stamped it and let me through!! Thankgod for that, didnt fancy being locked up in a cell with 20 other criminals for life!
So my next stop is Cambodia, where i am now we're going to spend a few days here then go to Vietnam for some diving. Only 3 weeks left... i'll update with my Cambodia and Vietnam adventures soon as for now... smell you later x
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