South American Cruise 2015
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Natal, Brazil

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Natal, Brazil

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Salvador, Brazil

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Salvador, Brazil

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Santos, Brazil
Nicky So they might be, but at the moment it holds money, and will make a perfect ashtray when at home Martin says!
re: Puerto MadrynMum What no Tshirts with your last Argentine pesos? Mate bowls are for drinking herbal (herbals) tea through a filtered metal straw.
re: Puerto MadrynMum Glad you got onto the Faulklands. DON'T move there. Lots of entertainment - home will seem quiet xxxx '
re: Port Stanley, Falkland IslandsNiki I first thought Martin was up early to spot some breasts when you said boobies haha!
re: At Sea (2)Mum With the clocks changing almost daily and getting up at 0730 (!!!!!!!) no wonder you are nodding off (or are you saying its a siesta?)
re: Recife, BrazilMum Seems a lot of rain on your adventure ? You are obviously having a good time tho. Will you need another suitcase for all the new Tshirts? Have you succumbed to the cruising bug or is this a one off. Miss you lots xxxx
re: Rio de Janeiro- last visited

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Mum Warming up!