OK, Perth was bloody hot. we got off the plane and thought "hey this isn't too hot." then the doors slid open and the heat actually made me slightly gag. it must have been high 30's if not 40's by 10 am.
after frantic phoning between the airport phone and Dave's mobile, we finally met up, it was nice to see them again, seeing as it was the first face i recongnised from home since leaving. we piled into their car along with Jane, Hannah, Mitch and Oliver.they picked us up and took us for a long drive around Perth looking for hostels to stay at, this took a while because Australia Day was coming up and people were packed into these hostels.
eventually we found one that was set above a liquor store and took the whole upstairs of the building. with a huge TV room and kitchen. i must admit it was well worth the while watching English speaking, British comedy that we had missed. we watched some decent DVDs like Wolf Creek to scare the s*** out of us before going through the outback.
the next day we hopped on the free city bus and went to the biggest park in Perth. we went to a cafe to get a well deserved ice cream, it was HUGE! and so well worth the mention. we also saw a cookaburro which looks bizzare. later Josh decided that he wanted to run up and down some steps to prove his manliness. so naturally i couldn't be bothered in the heat, so i timed him. suprisingly it was amazingly quick.
the next day was Australia Day. it was a big experiance, we went to one park after following loads of people down to the river front, they were all chanting Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy. Oi-Oi-Oi! if only St. Georges day was celebrated like that, it would be an amazing day. anyway after following the people to the park, we sat on the grass with thousands of others and had a couple of beers while watching the fireworks. the fireworks were good but not as good as Plymouth's annual firework show.
as soon as the fireworks stopped everyone seemed to get up and vanish, which was odd because we were sat on the grass no one around us within 3 minutes, whereas before we could hardily find a place to sit.
after finishing our beers we headed for a bar where i got told i couldn't wear "boardies" so i told him to feel my shorts, so he let me in. then he looked at Josh and told him "no Thongs". which is Ozzy for flip flops. obviously we didn't know this and we both looked at him in confusion. we both walked away from that bar and headed to a crowded bar and bought a beer each, these must have been the worst priced beers i have ever drank. it cost $8 a bottle. thats 4 quid!
the next day we checked out of our hostel and jumped onto a train to take us to Scarborough Beach. its about 200x better than the Scarborough we all know. its got luxurious white sand, light blue sea and large rolling waves. oh and did i mention the heat! we found a hostel up the main road, this must have been the weirdest hostel i have ever stayed in in my life. the place was ran by weirdos. even the guests were weirdos. we shared a room with a Canadian bloke who when we were putting our bedding on our beds, picked up the fan that cooled the whole room, and put it facing his bed! the cheek! me and Jsoh were totally speachless!
we stayed at Scarborough beach for another couple of days, topping up our already Asian tan, then after we got board we went to Freemantle, which is next to Perth, we did nothing really, we just browsed shops and played the occasional game of table tennis against some Israeli blokes.
the next day we got on the plane to go to Aires Rock. Oh what fun!
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