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Victoria's Travels
Christchurch (68 photos)
Life size Chess
May 7, 2009
On the christchurch to…
May 7, 2009
The tram
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
victoria park
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
christchurch cathedral
May 7, 2009
free choc on board the…
May 7, 2009
cute signs
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
at the rugby
May 7, 2009
tanias company!
May 7, 2009
christchurch is behind us
May 7, 2009
tan and I at the Rugby
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
Shazza should be here.…
May 7, 2009
loving it
May 7, 2009
wrapped up warm
May 7, 2009
come on boys!
May 7, 2009
checking out the all b…
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
the rugby trio
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
me and richard hammond
May 7, 2009
richard hammond and i
May 7, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
a little soberer
May 8, 2009
a little soberer
May 8, 2009
a little soberer
May 8, 2009
a little soberer
May 8, 2009
a little soberer
May 8, 2009
before the drinking st…
May 8, 2009
his from essex too!
May 8, 2009
is that a ghost?
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
even drunker
May 8, 2009
partying christchurch …
May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
Tania and Chris at the…
May 11, 2009
May 7, 2009
May 12, 2009
May 12, 2009
fresh snow over christ…
May 12, 2009
taking off
May 12, 2009
leaving New Zealand be…
May 12, 2009
May 12, 2009