As far as I can remember today was a long transit day through to the town of Chipata. Where Chipata would be a stopover night on the way to the tourist capital of Zambia - Livingstone!!!!
The day seemed to go quickly with plenty villages and animals to see on the way. We stopped for supplies before reaching the campsite where we stocked up on some alcohol.
My legs were a complete mess with mosquito bites, they were all blistering and they were so itchy when i was in the sun. I sat in the shade with Phoebe having a few smirnoff ices before tea. We weren't allowed to go for a walk as there were buffalos outside the fence of the campsite.
After tea was where today all went wrong or some people said its where it got interesting. I decided to ask Sam why she was a vegan, her reply was "I completely disagree in 'factory farming'". If she left it there then that would have been fine but Sam seems to try and want everyone to believe what she believes and YES you guessed it I wasn't understanding it one bit. I took the whole factory farming (after she explained what factory farming was to her) bit personally and a debat/argument soon arose. Eak!!! Una even joined in and she was in her 60's. I ended up walking away, as I just got so annoyed at her attitude towards me.
Greg came to see if I was OK and so did everyone else. The rest of the group were all congratulating me and saying the things that I said had been needing said for days, even Greg agreed with me too and he was the guide who was meant to be unbiased. Its really impossible to explain the build up to this evening and the things that were said. Anyways I felt horrendously guilty afterwards, even though everyone was telling me I had nothing to worry about.
Sam went straight to her tent, and the rest of the group went to the bar and ended up having a wild night!
I met two bush men that had been hunting in the Tanzanian Bush for 8 months and were on their way home to Cape Town, they were friends of Greg and were really interesting people. Of course they hadnt been in civilisation for months so they were up for a party. At the end of the night they gave me a present of a special spray to help my mossie bites as they were shocked at the state of my legs. Haha.
So yes tonight was a very bad/very good night! Sleep tight bush men! xxx
P.S. Sam and everyone else on the truck can be vegans that doesn't bother me but just never preach me on the subject as
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