Coffee with cream, sachertorte, schnitzel, and apple strudel - Vienna is not the place to begin a diet! Dale and I had two days to explore the former imperial city's delights and found ourselves kept very busy. While I can't say I fell in love with Vienna - the city felt big and impersonal, and it was also very expensive! - I did apprecia…
Coffee with cream, sachertorte, schnitzel, and apple strudel - Vienna is not the place to begin a diet! Dale and I had two days to explore the former imperial city's delights and found oursel…
Salzburg, city of "The Sound of Music", Mozart...and St Johann public hospital. While most visitors to Salzburg enjoy the delights of the Mirabell gardens, eat copious amounts of strudel and …
The city of Verona was as lovely as I remembered, when Dale and I arrived with my parents in tow. It had been a long day of travel, from dropping the rental car back in Florence to catching t…
Siena...beautiful but full of tourists. Five of us left papa reading his kindle in the Umbrian villa and made the 2 hour journey to the picturesque Tuscan town of Siena. After struggling to …
Angie Gale
We have had several stays in rural Slovenia in the past few years. We have found the Slovenians a beautiful race and so friendly. I would say all of the younger people speak excellent English and are extremely intelligent and well educated. We found shopkeepers and cafe' workers all made a huge effort to communicate in English. Even older people did their best. Don't forget Slovenia's history. They are only starting to trust people again, and I'm sure when they get their tourism act to perfection it will be the place to visit. We will certainly be back again.
Lindesay MacFarlane
Hi Victoria, Someone sent this on to me. Loved hearing about your time at Caicresce. It's great to know others love it as much as we do. If you're ever back in Glasgow let us know and we can meet up and show you around, Lindesay MacFarlane
> Pierre,A la claire fonaitneJ'irai me rafraeechirMerci pour ce chant limpide> Brigetoun,C'est sfbr, l'e9te9, il y fait quarante degre9s minimum !> Sonia,Thanks to you, happy to read you> JADE,A ton aise, Dagobert n'en prendra pas ombrage (je n'arrive plus e0 ouvrir ton blog et e7a m'ennuie un peu)> Fleur de Lupin,Il est vrai qu'en allant vers le sud, les cieux sont plus cle9ments, reste e0 voir si nous serions capables de supporter les tempe9ratures durant les mois d'e9te9> Titie 007,Inde9niablement mauresque, au coeur des croisements culturels> Du bleu dans mes nuages,Ce lieu est magique et tellement charge9 d'histoire que l'on ne peut s'empeacher quelques re9flexions spirituelles> Annick,Ton appe9tit de vivre toujours, merci> Lali,Quelle chance nous avons de saisir ces moments e9phe9me8res dans nos boeetes magiques> Kaefkan,Une invitation pour une pause e0 mi-chemin> Presquevoix,Les mots, parfois, devancent la pense9e, pre9sage ?> De9sormie8re,Bienvenue sur ce blogDernier rayon de soleil pour celle de droite, mais enfin, on peut toujours esquisser une glissade> Bruno,oui, oui, Bruno, e0 condition que la terre tourne rond et je suis un peu perplexe par les temps qui courrent> Marie,Ils sont .. e0 ceux qui s'assoient dessus, et confortables au demeurant> Stefbac de Pas Perdus,Je te l'offre bien volontiers, ce tout> Coucou Stelfy,Je suis une tre8s mauvaise e9le9ve bloggueuse en ce moment, je crains le bulletin du 2e8me trimestre : distraite, absences re9pe9te9es, dilettante, dans l'ombre, ah ! vivement le printemps. Bises e0 toi aussi> Don Jerry,Toi, e0 droite, PFFFFFFF !
Hey Rich! We are looking forward to catching up with you and Krissy when we get back to NZ - hope the job hunt is going well. We are in Paris at the moment but meet up with mum and dad in Italy in about 5 days - should be fun!
Xx Victoria
paul brewer
Isnt Toledo great? And I love Madrid. Been there 4 times now. Great big imperial city with lots of small surpises. Hope you managed to get to the Prado? Paul
Sarah McC
I love Granada! It was definitely a highlight of Europe for me. And the Alhambra..The tapas....the caves..... I love reliving it through you guys! You are looking very relaxed in your latest photos. :) Keep the blog coming! x
Definitely recommend them, one of Gus' culinary highlights of Spain. We are trying to master the art of paella at home but can't seem to get that crispy layer at the bottom like they do in Spain.
Hi Tori
Richard sent me the details of your travel blog, so can now enjoy reading about your adventures. Spain is probably sounding quite appealing right now!
Phill Best blog I've read in a while
re: Plitvice National Park, CroatiaAngie Gale We have had several stays in rural Slovenia in the past few years. We have found the Slovenians a beautiful race and so friendly. I would say all of the younger people speak excellent English and are extremely intelligent and well educated. We found shopkeepers and cafe' workers all made a huge effort to communicate in English. Even older people did their best. Don't forget Slovenia's history. They are only starting to trust people again, and I'm sure when they get their tourism act to perfection it will be the place to visit. We will certainly be back again.
re: Lenart, SloveniaSimon Powell Where on earth didyou get that? I had one of those in Iraq in 2001 but have never seen them since :-)
re: The Elusive Pistachio Magnum!Asita > Pierre,A la claire fonaitneJ'irai me rafraeechirMerci pour ce chant limpide> Brigetoun,C'est sfbr, l'e9te9, il y fait quarante degre9s minimum !> Sonia,Thanks to you, happy to read you> JADE,A ton aise, Dagobert n'en prendra pas ombrage (je n'arrive plus e0 ouvrir ton blog et e7a m'ennuie un peu)> Fleur de Lupin,Il est vrai qu'en allant vers le sud, les cieux sont plus cle9ments, reste e0 voir si nous serions capables de supporter les tempe9ratures durant les mois d'e9te9> Titie 007,Inde9niablement mauresque, au coeur des croisements culturels> Du bleu dans mes nuages,Ce lieu est magique et tellement charge9 d'histoire que l'on ne peut s'empeacher quelques re9flexions spirituelles> Annick,Ton appe9tit de vivre toujours, merci> Lali,Quelle chance nous avons de saisir ces moments e9phe9me8res dans nos boeetes magiques> Kaefkan,Une invitation pour une pause e0 mi-chemin> Presquevoix,Les mots, parfois, devancent la pense9e, pre9sage ?> De9sormie8re,Bienvenue sur ce blogDernier rayon de soleil pour celle de droite, mais enfin, on peut toujours esquisser une glissade> Bruno,oui, oui, Bruno, e0 condition que la terre tourne rond et je suis un peu perplexe par les temps qui courrent> Marie,Ils sont .. e0 ceux qui s'assoient dessus, et confortables au demeurant> Stefbac de Pas Perdus,Je te l'offre bien volontiers, ce tout> Coucou Stelfy,Je suis une tre8s mauvaise e9le9ve bloggueuse en ce moment, je crains le bulletin du 2e8me trimestre : distraite, absences re9pe9te9es, dilettante, dans l'ombre, ah ! vivement le printemps. Bises e0 toi aussi> Don Jerry,Toi, e0 droite, PFFFFFFF !
re: Granada, SpainCaroline Ariaens Sounds amazing Victoria!
re: Crikveniza, CroatiaVictoria Yes we did get to the Prado - just disappointing that we missed the Raphael exhibition by a few days!
re: Madrid, Spainpaul brewer Isnt Toledo great? And I love Madrid. Been there 4 times now. Great big imperial city with lots of small surpises. Hope you managed to get to the Prado? Paul
re: Madrid, SpainSarah McC I love Granada! It was definitely a highlight of Europe for me. And the Alhambra..The tapas....the caves..... I love reliving it through you guys! You are looking very relaxed in your latest photos. :) Keep the blog coming! x
re: Granada, SpainCaroline Definitely recommend them, one of Gus' culinary highlights of Spain. We are trying to master the art of paella at home but can't seem to get that crispy layer at the bottom like they do in Spain.
re: Valencia, SpainVictoria Haven't had churros yet... But Dale is keen to tick that box on our 'to do' list! Loving the food here!!
re: Valencia, SpainCaroline Have you had Churros yet?! Great reading through your blog and hearing about places I haven't been to and remembering places I have.
re: Valencia, SpainMum Hi Tori Richard sent me the details of your travel blog, so can now enjoy reading about your adventures. Spain is probably sounding quite appealing right now!
re: Marrakech, Morocco