After Rio we headed to a small Island called Ilha Grande for some chilled out beach time. The boat from Angra Dos Reis took about and hour and a half across the turquoise water passing lots of small islands on the way.
Ilha Grande was great, it was nice to be in a small place after Rio. We got a boat round to Lopes Medes on our first day there, the guide books say it´s Brazil´s nicest beach. It really was lovely, the sand was white and squeaked as you walked on it, and there were big waves for Sean to body board on (I tried but was better at sunbathing!).
On another day we did the 2.5 hour trek from the port to Lopes Medes, it was a hot steep climb but the view from the top was amazing and the water felt fantastic when we got there. We were a bit tired after the walk and got burnt lying under a tree but apart from that it was all good.
On the last night the Island lost it´s power which was spooky, a couple of bars had generators but apart from that the only light came from the moon shining through the palm trees.
I spent a bit longer on Ilha Grande than Sean as I went to the wrong pier and missed the boat to the mainland. Sean thought I was already on it so he jumped on and then had to borrow money to pay for the trip as I had all of our cash. I met a Swedish couple who had also missed the boat and spent a few hours chatting to them before the next boat. We met up with Sean eventually and then headed a bit further down the coast to Paraty.
Love Vicky x
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