Hi, vicky, eally mind blowing blog.,what you are written regarding the lake Chilika, really a good one.please follow me in face book(Bimbadhar Senapati).Now i am running my own organisation in chilika area, vist my site www.diorissa.org. anticipate your early reply.
your friend always from chilika
Bimbadhar Senapati(Mantu)
If you're reading these messages - give us a call when you get back home - love Mel xxx
Happy New Year Vicky!
Hope you saw the new year in with style? I heard you are going retro this year? Is the Bouffant look back in now - us Canadians must be completely behind the times!! Can't wait to see those pics! Have to say I nearly peed my pants when mum was telling me the story - sorry!! Also laughed when I heard about Lily's antics! She's gonna be a handful! Hope you had fun with Dad - email me and let me know how you're doing. It was strange not having the family around this year! But I did not burn the Turkey so alls well that ends well! Love you and hug you Big Sis Mel
ps New years resolution to get rid of the Turkey and pud calories!!!! Wish me luck on that one! I think I had one rumsoaked raisin too many!!!! Take care of yourself - mel xxxooo
Namaste Vicky, Jai Jagat!
We met only very shortly during the last days of Janadesh and I discovered your blog today in one of Ivan's emails! It's great to read about your trip (and you write a lot!!). I'm back in France now and have been taking some rest for 2 months. I'm starting to search for a new job (after 2 years in India) and I miss the motorbike so I smiled while reading your post!!!
Take care and enjoy! Warm regards from France, Anais
Hi Vicky
Happy new year! Hilarious about the Bollywood film, and the motorbikes - altho a little scared for you, just go careful! Hope you had a nice time with your dad over xmas. I had a lovely xmas with family back home, very chilled then went off to Scotland mountain biking for a few days which was fab, altho very cold. Have some nice bruises from my antics!
Keep having fun and keeping us updated.
Loads of love and hugs
Hi Vicky and Dad! There's an unexpected twist - Happy Christmas guys!! Hope all is well? How are those warm showers? We have around 3 feet of snow t the moment and its still snowing! Very Christmasy!! Josh had an interview at Walmart today for some xmas pocket money!! Gideon finally got to the shops and was a bit shell-shocked with the crowds!! Hee Hee!! tried clling Lucy nd co but couldn't get through - I shll try gain tomorrow. Well I have my turkey nd plum pudding ready to go - what's your xmas feast this year? Well Wesolych Swiat and merry christmas!! Love and hugs from big sister mel, Gideon and Josh
Helen P
hey love, pics look amazing. Have just emailed! Lots of love xx
Loved your last post hon. Really helped me to visualise it all! Watch out for monkeys, will email again soon, lots of love. xxx
Hey Vic! It was great to read your latest post, it sounds like you have had some amazing experiences already. Your account of the monkey incident made me laugh out loud and reminded me of when you got butted by a cow on Walmgate stray! Take care and keep em coming xx
Bryan Edward Osbon
Dear Vicky, Great to read your stuff. I failed to make it 'cos my Passport was four days short of the six months needed for my Visa, but have been enthralled at all the reports inc yours. I hope you have a really great trip and look forward to reading all about it, esp if you are going to follow up the threads of Janadesh. U might try to get something into The Hindustan Times thru another ex-vol Naomi Canton, who is currently a journo with same in Mumbai. Her E Mail is [email protected]
Hi Vicky - Somehow, I managed to find your blog. Look forward to seeing your news from AVI's partners and photos of the snow capped peaks from Kausani. Keep well - Ivan