Bangkok, Thailand 7th March 2012 - 10th March 2012
I arrived in Bangkok, despite my good sleep in the hotel in Singapore very tired, I managed to get the train to a random place in Bangkok and then a taxi to the hostel but I have no idea if it worked out cheaper than getting a taxi from the airport but at east I arrived safely. I arrived at the hostel at 8am to find out I could not check in till 2pm - which was very annoying - so I got some food and sat outside the hostel to do some research on the places I wanted to visit whilst in Thailand. It was the longest day ever. Finally I managed to check in and get some sleep. That evening I met a few guys and we headed out for a few beers and dinner along the good backpackers famous kohsan road. It was an early night though.
The next day I work up nice and early only to realize I had 400 mossie bites on the back of my legs. I went down to the front desk and showed the manager, within 5 minutes I was pushed onto a chair, she pulled my pants down and started rubbing my arse with some cream. Later after being fully humiliated by the whole hostel seeing my arse - I asked what she put on them because they stopped itching - it was tiger balm. Amazing Tiger balm quickly became my best friend for the rest of my time in Bangkok. That afternoon I went for a walk along kohsan road. Bangkok is crazy people everywhere, and people trying to sell me stuff ever two minutes. "lady - you want scarf", "cheap cheap", "lady, I give you good price" are just a few of the overused quotes they shot at me as I walk down the road. That afternoon I met two lovely people, Christine and Jem we sat chatting until Carly arrived at the hostel around 9pm. That evening ended up being a very very messy but that's Bangkok for you.
The next morning we decided to book our bus for the following day to Koh Tao, as we thought we might get stuck in Bangkok if we stay any longer. After spending over an hour trying to eat a burger we decided to brave walking down kohsan road (Carly hadn't seen anything of Bangkok yet). We decided it was too much with our hangovers and after purchasing a few goods we went back to the hostel for a nap. In the evening I still felt horrible (M150 is the devil), we headed out for dinner and a lovely vegetarian restaurant not too far from the hostel with Jem and Christiane. It was a lovely chilled restaurant where you all sit on the floor, we sat there chatting for hours and decided that the next day we were going to visit the big market for the day until Carly and I caught our bus at 5pm.
We arose nice and early to get to the market at 9am. The market was amsolutely massive and it was very very hot. We started the day at a local restaurant inside the market for some food, until we all went on our own little shopping trips, although Carly and I didn't end up buying too much stuff. We arrived back at the hostel around 3pm, went out and got some food and some supplies for our journey to Koh Tao.
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