After 42 hours of door-to-door travel we arrived yesterday in Ubud on Bali. An interesting itinerary through airports in Seoul, Bangkok and Singapore. Spent the night in Bankgkok airport - entertained for a while by the 24 hour restaurant team who clearly had never had anyone select banana cheese pizza from the menu. I still think it would have been interesting - but I guess no one will ever know, since they gave up after several attempts.
The villas we are staying in outside Ubud are great - very pleasant, overlooking a koi pond and rice paddy fields - surrounded by wild-life. Lots of geckos and apparently large unknown creatures that drop sizeable poop from their home in the ceiling. Ubud is a good mix of temples, markets, stores, restaurants and bars - with a unique Balinese atmosphere - crowded, narrow, very lush, friendly, with tourists mingling with the locals living in their multi-generational family compounds, most with their own shrines or temples.
We drove to the South East coast today - the beaches were disappointing - but the trip with our local driver, Ketut, well worthwhile. I have never seen so many motor-bikes - masses weaving in and out throgh the traffic like huge flocks of birds - somehow never touching ...... some with whole families balanced on a small bike - the driver texting as they go...
We have recovered quickly from jet-lag - but we are fading quickly tonight. Had dinner served to us on our villa verandas instead of dealing with the crowds in Ubud.
Weather is relatively cool - low 30's and wet today - but probably improving tomorrow.
Met a monkey up close today - inches from my face while sheltering from a downpour under an overhang.
Jessi and Kris are already turning into good negotiators - holding their own in getting some good deals for clothing in the local market.
Thats it - I'm fading fast
- comments
Nancy hAPpy nEw yEAr 2011 & thanks for the 1st blog
Sherry So happy to hear you made it ok with all the trouble going on with flights being cancelled due to weather everywhere. Wish you all a very Happy New Year and can't wait to read your next blog. Love to all.
Iona Thanks for blog #1 Verversx4. Keep 'em coming. Since your blog is likely the nearest many of us will ever get to such a journey you need to keep us up to date. Bali looks like a very civilized start with liinens on the varandah. XOX Happy New Year
Will eeeeee Hi Verver’s. Sounds like you’re adapting well to the new environment: a week after leaving Canada in December you’re calling temperatures in the low 30's “relatively cool”. I had to pause and think: are they talking Fahrenheit or Celsius? This morning’s Hollyburn snowshoe started with a temperature of -11C, “relatively cold” for these parts. Your entire trip is going to be “absolutely cool”, thanks for sharing it!
Dad and Lynda So good to hear from you. Have you seen Keith and Susan yet. According to Keith and Susan the temp is always in the low 30's.We just got back from a fab Christmas in Calgary with Dorron,Jen, Jen's Mom, my Mom and Carter of course. She is 5 and very charming. We think of you every day and happy that you arrived safe and sound. Love you all lots. Lynda and Dad
Jonathan and LBD Glad to hear you are well on your way and that you have already had so many adventures. Have a Happy New Year's and look forward to your future blogs.