Beautiful pictures, Tom! So great to see that you're having such a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear about the ride in Paris and see your pictures. Take care and be safe!
Jeff & Jean
We are sooo envious of your forthcoming trip to France. We love the art, the landscape, the wine, the bread, the small restaurants, and watching the locals jerk their dogs' chain. Do you suppose we could fit into your backpack or whatever it is that cyclists use for luggage. Talk to you soon.
Luz Gonzalez
Who's the smartest of us all? The smile says it all.
Laurel Meier
Hey P,
Thanks for inviting us to tour with you. We're looking forward to seeing more photos.
Have fun!
Linda Abbey
Wow! Looks like you're having a great time! I like the idea of the deserts in Jerome but I think I'll just drive there! : )
Beautiful pictures! Take care!!!
Christine Fitzgerald
Dude, is that a beard AND a smile? My oh my....things really are changing. I hardly know what to make of it!
The rides look spectacular - thanks for allowing us to ride digital sidecar!
Clark Hanson
I am so jealous. Even I am not a bike rider, I am jealous of your newfound freedom! Enjoy. Enjoy.
- Clark
Robert Jones
Been on those beautiful roads many times! I miss Az. Getting nice here though.
John Hartman
I am so envious, I'd love to be able to join you on these adventures. Looking forward to seeing and hearing of your travels.
Sandy Kalter
so glad to hear from you and that you're off on an adventure. My oldest Ben, just left for college and the younger is doing pre-season football. I am so happy I can live vicariously and follow along on your travels. Enjoy!!!! Best wishes, Sandy