Tom - The pictures and the entries have been very enjoyable. Thanks for bringing us along with you in your travels!
Safe trip home & hope to see you soon!!!
Stunning pictures and poetry-like descriptions, as usual! Love the "old building with palm" title .... ;-)
Enjoyed my first TRIBE ride Saturday (44.33 miles) through Scottsdale and Fountain Hills --- not exactly France!!! When you get home, I might now be able to keep up with you on your rides!
Did you see/hear about the Cardinals v. Cowboys game yesterday???
;-) Susan
Linda Abbey
Hey Tom - Were the mussles as good as the ones we had in England?
I think many of us are living vicariously through you these days! I saw Larry & Fran Larson at a party last weekend and Larry was asking about you. He says to say hello! Retirement definitely agrees with him too!
Where are you headed next?
Hmm, denim and dijon--I had no idea such good things came out of France. I loved the photos of Joelle's lunch and of the yellow stone churches.
You might have just found your next career--writing and testing travel guides--you'd be perfect! Please continue to share with us.
Mary Ellen
Dude, were you actually attempting to complain that you couldn't remember Dijon due to ALL the bike rides you've been on?! Good Gawd. I'm lovin' hearing about your travels! Only a few more days to Paris... mec
It just struck me that maybe I should drop you a quick note (hence selfish b******). Your trip sounds amazing. I'm really bummed I couldn't join the pod for at least part of the trip. Thanks for sharing your trip though your blog.
John Hartman
Bread, cheese, and wine for lunch in France. Beats a Clif bar and water. Call me insensitive, but I'm not feeling too sorry for you. ;-)
Keep it up, I'm loving the updates.
Robert Jones
wow Tom! Thanks for your continued sharing. How much longer?
Mary Ellen
Like the solo cyc pics. i think the roughing it lunch says it all. i suspect that riding in the afternoon is quite pleasant, LOL! so glad you are having a great time!
You're making want to tack on a trip to France to my year of adventures! Good luck with the hilly terrain, and be sure to picture wine if you are really lacking incentive. It always works for me! Happy trails!
Mary Ellen
Tom! It's great to live vicariously in the lives of my friends! What route will your ride to Paris be? Le Alpes? The seaside (a very long ride...), or through central France? Did you spend time at any beaches on the Med? I know your French must be wonderful by now :D I'm still jealous (quel suprise). Keep sending us blogs, mary ellen
Jeff And Jean
Just had a postcard from a Twin Falls friend who is in Normandie. You are in France. Sascha just returned from Croatia, Italy, and Switzerland; and, she's heading to Hong Kong for a month. The only people we know who are in an exotic place is us -- in South Dakota. Thanks so much for sharing all of the great photos and tour experiences with us; yes, we are jealous, but you know that. Be safe on the road to Paris as the French drivers don't have all of their billes. Keep us posted. Love -- J & J