Hi vanya!! just a quick hello, pics are great! bless ya in soooo jealous!! will write more 2moz! love ya xxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Darling, Just a quick hello. Hope your ok and not to jet lagged!! I am just going to go and check out your Hostel and see what it is like. We are all well here. Will send you an email on your Hotmail soon. Love you lots mum & Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!
Ello Ello. Vanyaderton. Not much to report really honey. Was mums 50th at the weekend so had a massive party - got me mistletoe and wine outfit on and got wasted - Leigh dressed up as Vivienne from the young ones.. Very funny, will have to email you some pics. Hope you are well anyway me chico. Will email propa soon - (when there are more hours in the day!!!) xxxxx
Aunty Linda
Hello my adventurous niece!! Managed to get to your site at last. Sounds like your having a brill time you lucky thing! I am sooo jealous! Your diary makes a good read and is very infomative but I want to know more bout the experiments you did at the equator!! Have you been white water rafting yet? Ive always wanted to do that even tho im scared of water! Where to next? what has been your fave bit so far? All of it?? Have you been terrified of anything? Im flying to Cork (Ireland) on tuesday on my own and I thought I was being brave!! I have the greatest respect for you Vanya. Will check in again soon. Take care. Bye for now. lots of love Linda & Co. xxxxxxxxx
Just put some photos on. I had no luck in retrieving the good ones from Equador which is a bummer-they were sooooo good aswell. Anyway have a look. I'm about to go and have a spa and sauna in my hostel (!!!!!). Talk to you soon, by the way my fone works here in NZ just in case you wanted to know. Love yas XXXXXXXXXXX
Love you van, hope your flight went alright!! speak soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya, back in LA now, just left another postcard of south america. I fly to New Zealand tonight so check back soon and i'll fill you in on what its like there. Love you all v much!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hey van, going to NZ 2mrw aint u? still gonna do ur white water raftin!? just watching the live 8 concert in hyde park on bbc, snoop dogg was just on - well gud!! they keep showing bits off the philly concert aswel, but think there showing it in full after this one - its on til 3:30 in the morn!! have u managed to catch any of it? not out this w/end, got work 2mrw and the nxt 5days! melies driving lesson went well. hope ur gonna send a postcard of south america soon, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi van!! gota b quick coz i gota get off the computer in the library coz it will stop being free if i go over. ha ha!!im goin home 2moz tho so i will write then. love you lots xxxx miss you xxxx
Hi Van the stranger! Hope everything is going well and you are enjoying yourself! Ive sent you an email so go and read it ;)