hiya van, cant wait 2 c ya thursday nite!!!! love ya xxxxxxxxxx
hi everyone, it's been ages since i've left a message so i thought i'd say hello. Hope you are all well and coping with the english winter!! Actually i can't really talk, the weather here in Melbourne is somewhat unpredictable. It can even get chilly at times and clever me sent all my jumpers n stuff home before moving down here. When its nice though its really nice, much more of a dry heat so lots of chilling in parks has been done. Well, not huge amounts to say i'm afraid but before my money runs out on this computer i'll try and put a couple of photos up so go and have a look. Love you all lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya!! me again!!!!!! im home now, yay!!! duno if mums told u but i went 2 an interview for Palmair flying out of Bournemouth. 200 people applied, only 45 got through to the interview, now they've cut it down to 12 people for the second interview (which i have tomorrow), but then they only have 6 places going!! ahhhh scary!!!! i really hope i get it!!! i'll be having nite stops, they do loadz of day trips so we would fly the passengers out in the morning, spend the whole day there, then fly them back home. they also do trips 2 New York, Barbados where we stay for 10 days!! they fly to Egypt, Russia, Croatia, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Cyprus and loadz of other places!! so if you read this soon wish me luck 4 tomoz!!! anyway i hope 2 hear from you soon honey!! love you very very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya honey!!!!! hope you are having a nice time still!! love you very much xxxx im goin home 2moro yay!! i will write 2 u properly then coz im at andys house in Milton Keynes at the mo and we're all just bout 2 go out xxxxxxxxxxxxx spk soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Good luck on your next lot of travels hun. safe journey to Melbourne both of you.
Love you lots n lots let us know when you get there if you can!
Mum & Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hiya hunny!!!! how r u? im back home now 4 a whole week yay!!!!!!! me and ben r goin 2 brighton this weekend and 2 tenerife next month, cant wait!! only heard about 10mins ago that ur moving on.....thanx 4 that!!!! anyway hope all goes ok 4 u! love you very very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Darling, just to let you know i have sent you a letter and a couple of photos. I posted it on Tuesday so hopefully you will get it before you move on!! Hope you are ok hun and looking forward to the next stage of your travels!! Poor leanne not wishing her a happy birthday!!(Iv'e just read her message!!) Oh well i must go just got in from work and boy am i busy!!
Love you lots n lots, miss u lots n lots mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Vanyanderton... Merry Crimbo and Happy New Year. Sounds like you had a good one. So...you didn't want to say happy birthday to me on the 11th then!!! HA ha... old gits now girl - quarter of a century this year - argh!!! I'm gonna send you a proper email now, because i've been quite crap.....watch your other space....Take care baby. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope everyone had a good one and didnt suffer too much the next morning!! We went to a house party and had a really good time, I was fine the next day but Colin needed some serious looking after, that'll teach him. Ah well.
Thankyou for all my birthday cards and messages. I spent the day lazing in the sun. As my camera broke just before xmas (good timing) i only have photos on my phone but i will hopefully sort it out soon.
Lots of love to you all and a special congrats to carrie and dan on their engagement. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hi van, happy new year!! wot did u do? we went to rsvp in town, was a gud nite! put on sum more fotos soon!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey van! happy bday! hope u had a gud day! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
happy xmas vanya!! well happy birthday to you now!! hope u had a lovely time!! ive gota drive bk up 2 luton soon, ohhh i dont wana go bak!!!!!!!!!! love you sooooo much xxxx speak soon xxxxxxxxxx