Sorry that I have not been in contact for a while, I do hope that you recieve this before you leave to return to England. I can see from the red mark on the map of India that you proceeding uup the western side of India, what a wonderful experience. I am longing to talk to you about all your experiences when you return.
I hope that you keep well.
PS Have a quicl look at Youtube on the internet and you can see a video of Lizzie doing her floor routine at Guildford.
Hey guys,
Looking forward to hearing about India - I would love to go there. I bet you are glad to have finished clinical, I can't believe you did the full thing!! We are back in KL to meet Will - I can't believe the elective is nearly over. I am very excited about seeing you and catching up, looking at photos etc. I also bought some party shoes today (silver high-heels - completely self-indulgent!) so we have to have a BIG night out for me to prance around in them.
Have a great time,
Missing you both,
Amy x
hi, soz i havent written 4 awhile. Been busy trying to find a job, (with no luck). Thanks for me birthday text was a real surprise. Isnt long til you come home now, only 2 or so weeks, you best make the most of it. soon as you r home let me nowe have to go out and you can tell me everything. neway cant stop to chat all day gotta get on. speaks to you soon,
lizzy xxx
I hope all is still well in Sri Lanka :) When do you finish the placement and head off to India - bet you're excited. I don't know about you but the time seems to be flying past here. I hope you're all still having lots and lots of fun and I'm really looking forward to seeing you when I get back.
We are currently in Melaka - a town on the West Coast with lots of museums and historical sights - feeling very cultured. Back to KL tomorrow then on to the Cameron highlands on never stops!
Love Amy x x
Hey sis, hows it going? sorry haven't posted a message yet, didnt realise you could! hope you're having a fab time and the same to the other girls. really missing you loads, so is your favourite neice! cant wait to see you on your return! Summer turned 2 last week as you know, and think we have hit the terrible two's like a brick wall!!!
Cant wait for you to see her as she has changed sooo much and is talking loads now although not always sure what she is saying, sounds cute anyway!
Anyway, speak soon - have fun on your travels, take care xxx
Granddad Haines
I have jsut sent an email.
Wow, sounds like your having loadsa fun, working hard too i see.
I'm guna be unemployed this time next week for 12 weeks, that'l b fun. Carly and i were planning to come see you when you back from your adventures so let us know when your availiable. keep up with the good work, i expect to see you with a super tan when your back.
speaks to you soon
lizzy xxx
Hey Vicky,
Sounds like you had fun at the beach - are you planning any more sneaky weeks off?!
We are finishing our hospital placement at the weekend as our kind tutors have filled all our forms in and we are keen to get out an explore Malaysia. It seemed like a good time to leave as it is between placement blocks.
So...on Tuesday we fly to Penang, an island off the North West coast, stay there for a few days, then get a boat to Langkawi, a smaller island off the coast of Penang. After a few days there we head to Melaka (an old colonial town on the South West coast), the Cameron highlands (to do some jungle trekking), the Tioman Island, and Singapore.
I bet you're looking forward to India and are you planning to see more of Sri Lanka?
Hope all is well,
Muchos love,
Amy x x x
I hope that this time i have got this technology right. Sorry about the last mess.
Erica and Tim and Lizzie are staying this weekend and will have a look at your website. I shall make sure that the have your current address.
Continue having a great time, when do you start to do some work ???
Love the photos
Take care
I see Amy beat me to all our gossip this week, will have to get in earlier next time. Glad to here you are having a good time. Will be in touch soon.
Hi Vick,
Sounds like you're having a fantastic time, could do with lying on a beach myself! Not much happening back in sunny Leeds. I started at the new store in the city centre the other week, it opened this morning and the fridges broke need....anyway as exciting my work is.......carry on having a great time.......Vicky xxx