So it was probably the most sad and depressing day of or trip. On our first day on phnom penh we went to the killing fields and even though we had previous knowledge on the horrible event being there had a whole other effect on us. As we drove along the dirt roads so dirty and full of garbage that we actually had a coating of dirt on our skin we arrived outside phnom penh to the killing fields. Thousands were murdered here. The khmer rouge wanted to change cambodia and started by using a extreme Maoist theory to send everyone to work as slaves 12-14 hours a day. They killed anyone that showed any kind of outside knowledge or had education. People who were glasses, people with soft hands, anyone who could speak another language. They threw babies against trees until their brains smashed all over the tree. They tortured innocent people for years in unbelievable ways.
As we walked around the site which has been destroyed because the Cambodians did not want any thing to remember of the Khmer rouge so they got rid of most of the killing houses etc by as you walk around you see mass graves as well as people's teeth , bones and clothes. Each time it rains more clothes and bones come to the surface .... Still to this day. There are large glass containers with thousands of skulls and bones.
In PP there is a school ( s21) was its name. This school was converted into a place in which Cambodian people who would get questioned then tortured many were killed others were sent to the killing fields to meet their end time.
It had over 1000 photos of those who were killed in the prison. Many pictures of children were up on the walls: a stark reminder how cruel and sick people we and still are.
After the prison we chilled out in PP for a while and rent along the river, the main area for dinner.
We have seen a lit of older tourist men with young Cambodian girls, another stark reminder that things are not the same as back home.
After dinner we went back to the hotel, relaxed and went to bed. Woke up in the morning and caught the bus to Seim Reap.
T & M
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