After our lengthy stay in La Paz we were suffering a bit from the altitude and the smog so we set off on a short and comfortable bus journey to Copacabana on Lake Titicaca. Part way through the journey we had to get off the bus and travel across a small stretch of water on the tiniest boat ever while our bus and luggage went separately on what can only be described as a very old raft. I don´t think I will ever forget my first glimpse of the lake, it glitters a bright blue and is so enormous I kept forgetting it wasn´t the sea. We were still travelling with Jo so decided to bargin for a decent room, and what we got was amazing! Set on the mountainside above the town and lake, it was more of an apartment with two floors, double beds, and a mixture of glass and stained-glass windows which gave spectaular views of the lake and a perfect sunset view. The hostel (!!) also had a great restaurant where we sampled the local trout which was delicious. We spent the first day looking round Copacabana and the amazing cathedral which is said to be the holiest in Bolivia due to holding the Virgin of Copacabana. We walked up a hill overlooking the town and lake to watch the sunset and I took far too many photos of the sun in every position!
Isla del Sol
The main reason we decided to visit Copacabana was to visit Isla del Sol, or the Sun Island. This is supposedly the birth place of the Incas and a very important heritage site. We met up with a couple of guys on the boat over (Dan - Bristol and James - Liverpool) and spent the day with them and Jo exploring the island. We took the boat to the very north of the island and walked the length of the island taking in various Inca ruins, which took most of the day. Unfortunately Craig was still quite ill and I had developed a "smog cough" which made breathing slightly difficult, so we both found the walk quite strenuous and were pleased to find a cheap but basic hostel that served beer on the balcony and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening there. We caught the boat back the next day where I stupidly played a few games of cards and got seasick!
Back to Copacabana
Unfortunately Craig remained ill for the rest of the stay in Copacabana so I spent my time with Jo, Dan and James, drinking and playing many childhood games in a cosy bar (Connect4, Uno, Jenga). We decided to stick around for a couple more days so that Craig could recover but the guys moved on so I borrowed* a book from a hostel and we chilled for a while as well as climbing a hill called Hawka Inca which gave superb views of Cobacabana.
Going to Peru tomorrow, to Puno which is still on the lake. Let´s hope we don´t have as many problems crossing the border this time!
*When I say borrowed, I did mean to give it back but it was really good and no one had touched it for months judging by the thick layer of dust on it!
Extract from written journal by Craig
Having survived a night with the Donkeysaurus (scary creature that madee noises like the creaute from Lost) nearby we are on night 2 in Copacabana. Sarah was homesick earlier, I was sick, 2 days worth - splendid. Despite changing hostel due to a lack of funds we keep on going back to the restaurant in the original hostel, Martin the big gay cowboy is a legend (Owner guy). Sarah just stole the Runaway Jury, I am not getting into trouble with the Bolivian navy for this, so I plan a fleeing at midnight. Having seen the landlocked navy in training this morning I should have no problems with my escape. Machu Pichu is in sight for invasion, I may take a boat up the mountian to do things the Bolivian way. After being cursed by the Incas for dissin their best friends at Tiawanaku, an invasion seems suitable. For the record I drank coca tea and 1ltr water with 5 spoons sugar and 1 salt to sure me. Using inca remedies to fight of an Inca curse!
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