An acquaintance of mine (a very distant acquaintance), had served time in an HM prison for fraud. He said how on his first night, he'd noticed some graffiti written is small writing at the foot of the wall of his cell. He got closer to read it, and its said "Time is all it is". He said he found this curiously comforting. Dealing with time, or its apparent excess is part of the human condition, and somehow I've become quite good at it. The secret is finding interest in everything. As a regular visitor to the local hospital, I am used to waiting...and waiting. Invariably, I stare intently at notice boards, which are always around in the waiting waiting areas. I study every aspect of their construction and content. I think about their purpose, who wrote what and why (etc etc). I make a point of asking a question about something on the board, at a convenient point when a member of staff is around. Occasionally, I conclude that nothing more can be considered about a particular notice board, but then I think again and try harder and accept there is always something more. Then, I am called to see the doctor or nurse, and I think, "Mmm, that was quick, where does the time go?".
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