It was dawn again and I’d been half awake, half asleep. My thoughts were whirring away in a vague incoherent way, as they tend to do at this time. In this state, which I’ve experienced many times, nothing makes obvious sense, but somehow, sense is lurking there somewhere. Instinctively, things feel simultaneously both right and yet wrong. Unfortunately, none of these thoughts are explainable in intelligible English. Anyway, as I lay there, an odd phrase sprang spontaneously into my mind. The phrase was “Some Mysterious Thing”. Once again, I thought, here’s a clear demonstration of the non-manageability of a human’s own thought patterns, since that phrase itself, my very own phrase, unquestionably generated by me, was in fact a complete mystery to me. I sensed it was something to do with a relationship. Perhaps I’d done something, some mysterious thing, which I don’t understand or know about but which has upset the balance of things. In my head I composed a poem which seemed to make it all add up. I was comforted by the symmetry, order and logic of my poem. I wanted to write it down but there was nothing to hand and then it went clean away, my mind was empty, like a clear sky. And, as the poem melted away, so did any explanation. All that was left was the title “Some Mysterious Thing”. I got up and looked out of the window, over the wood. The light of dawn was spreading from the East. An orangeish airplane vapour trail was starkly evident against the deep blue sky. The camera was at hand and I quickly took a shot. At the instant I clicked the shutter, a weird and rogue ray of the sun fleetingly reflected back towards me from the plane, causing a strange effect which came and went in split second. My inner voice said “it’s some mysterious thing, and now, like the poem, it’s gone”.
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