Although the sign said "Madrid", we did, in fact, continue heading South West, our goal being the most Southerly point in mainland Europe, literally. I recall at this point we discussed the pronunciation of "Madrid", because Spaniards appear to put the emphasis on the first syllable, the Ma, bit which they also draw out, as in Maaa...drid. The English, it seems put the emphasis on the drid bit. Jeremy felt that people should, by rights, pronounce places as far as possible as the natives do. Then we realised that not only were pronunciations all wrong, in some cases, people around the world feel the need to make up their own names for places, which seems wrong all together. So, for example, why do we British think its OK to call the place the locals call Deutschland, Germany? Then there's the French calling London "Londre" and so on. After a few more examples, we recognised there really was an international naming issue, but it was an issue that was simply bigger than either of us and one which we knew would never be solved, so we drove on. For a while, we remained in silent reflection of the can of worms we'd inadvertently opened.
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