I think my grandfather travelled by steamer to Etaples, a port in NW France. I understand there was a military hospital at Etaples, so after a bit of a voyage, he might have seen a few raggle taggle walking wounded, hanging around the town, who knows? For our part, we took the Jag on the shuttle and 35 minutes later we were there. We even paid extra to jump the queue, "flexiplus" it was called (you even get a bagette thrown in). If there were any raggle taggle people there, we didn't see them, although subsequent media reports indicated there were still some dodgy types trying to illegally enter old Blighty. No-one I've asked fully understands why people are so desperate to get into our country, although a friend said to me that when asked by a reporter, a couple of would-be illegal immigrants said their reason was a desire to "see Wayne Rooney". Dear God.
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