Beyond the Old Square Church, the path dropped sharply. I snapped this above the drop. There, before us, were hundreds of steps going down, and correspondingly hundreds going up the other side. The angles of both slopes seemed in excess of 45°. Each step was about double normal house step size. I considered the possibility of the task inducing a myocardial infarction. Going down, my knees felt wobbly and going up, at times, I felt exhausted – like I was simply out of all power. At the top we carried on for a while in silence, we couldn’t pause for a drink stop, as we were simply too close to the cliff edge and it was suddenly quite blustery. Eventually, we did pause and took a drink of water. Jeremy remarked that he was relieved that I hadn’t actually had an MI, but had I done, he realized that it would have involved going back down and up the same path back to the nearest civilization. Ooo-er. Anyway, for scaling purposes, you can just see a lone figure half way up the far slope.
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