Tuaca Tour
Man do I need a holiday.....
Exhausted after a month of work, packing, planning, saying good byes and probably too much drinking. It all started with a curry at Hove Tandoori and will finish with a curry tomorrow night and then I'm off.
Thank you to everyone who has made November so much fun and made me slightly wonder why I'm leaving you all. But I am, so farewell, goodbye and see you on the other side! Don't forget to write and please take care of yourselves.
- comments
Wilson Can you just go already... it's been dragging on for months you big drama queen.... x
Mum & John Be safe, we will miss you. Love the picture
Kazza was lovely to see you last week. look after yourself xx
Vicks Matteus, I'm sorry I didn't get to go to any of your drinks. I've been away. You take care out there and I'll be looking forward to your blogs. WIl write to you as well. Have a safe flight out and enjoy!!! Vxx
Kimmy A traveller after my own heart ..... remember not to try and replicate 1999 - this will be different, you are older ..... ha ha .... but you still have the party spirit and zest for adventure - absorb it all ... safe travels. LOL. xx PS Please sing Angels on the cusp of 1st Jan and recall Q'town - I will!!
celine hey amigo sorry I wasnt physically around to be at the farewell dinner! Bumbed out about that. Make sure you keep track of where you stumble across more 'tuaca' holes. Buen viajes Celine x