Came to Delhi yesterday and have not gone any where since then. The hotel has no safe and I am not comfortable dragging my stuff around due to safety issues.
Day 2 - Smell of Delhi
Saturday, 5 November, 2011
It is my first morning in Delhi. I was able to squeeze in 4hrs sleep which is great compared to my last 3 days. Spoke to my husband via Skype n checked my email. I have to re-do and re- submit my assignment 1 for IICS641 but since my laptop is dead, I asked for more time. I am waiting on Michael's response to that. Shivani n her fiancé said they would be here today. I hope they can make it n I hope today is better than the past few days. I don't feel comfortable leaving my stuff in the hotel. I didn't see or hear from Shivy n her fiancé so I called but he could not talk he was at the movies. Got a response back from Michael, what a relief, I have time. I hope I can get an adapter soon. Still no appetite but I need to take my daily vitamins so I ate one of the tuna snack I brought with me from home. Nothing to do no where to go so I research few hotels in the area. Seems like my first week here has been an exploration of hotels. Not a very good experience. All fall shirt of ratings and expectation. Read for a while n napped as well but that didn't go so well. The honking n dripping sink faucet made sure if this. Not sure what I would do tomorrow. Can't reach Pankaj (Shivy's fiancé) or Shivy. I might check with receptionist on what to do in the city. Still not sure if I want to leave my stuff here though. Tonight, I did not sleep as I intended also.
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