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Vientiane, Laos
Mar 23-24 - Vientiane - So to be honest, this was a couple of days of not doing much! We wandered the streets of Vientiane like real tourists, just browsing in the shops and restaurants. Sunday morning was a late start ... I think we only got out of bed at about 11AM, and we grabbed a couple of books at the local bookstore before finding a …
SARAH B OMGGG I saw him to! definitely a drug smugler! we had quite a fun time ;)
re: Don Det, LaosMaria Hi Guys, Do you remember how much the bungalows were at Souksan? cheers M
re: Don Det, Laosxayadeth thank you for visiting my restaurant(denuxa) now we moved to the west of the town( on the raods no.15 not far from Teacher College) your are welcome again!
re: Salavan, Laos