Hello everyone, sorry we havent written for so long the internet was ridiculously expensive in Hong Kong so we didnt bother going online. We had a great week, staying in a really nice hotel in Jordan which is really close to Mongkok and all the markets. On a first day we went round just about every market in Hong Kong, including temple street market, the flower market, the bird market and ladies market. The bird market was interesting to see but very mean, with thousands of birds in cages. The next day we caught the cable car to lantau island to see the giant buddah, it was a 25 minute journey in the cable car with really good views of the mountains and sea. That evening we went out foir tea with Martin and family, we went to a small harbour area and Martin haggled with a fishing boat over the side of the pier to buy our food to be cooked by the restaurant, we had flowery rock cod, crab, prawns, and some sort of sea whelks which we really enjoyed. The following day martin took us out with mandy around hong kong, we started off by visiting a tea house for some dim sum which i loved. Next we went to monkey mountain, Martin had 2 massive boxes of fruit to feed them, there were absolutely hundreds , they were really naughty and kept jumping all over the car and sneaking into the boot to take the fruit, a few fights broke out as well which was a little bit scary, at one point i had to get back in the car because there were so many of them and i started to feel a bit threatned, tris didnt mind though and stood by the car with Martin trying to keep the monkeys in line, they were very cute and kept pulling on his sleeve for his attention which tris found adorable. After the monkey madness we went down to stanley for lunch and then for a walk around the market, we also went to repulse bay and to a temple area by the sea which was nice. That evening we went to Aberdeen and had a ride on a sampan round the fishing village before going to a japanese restaurant for tea. I cant say japanese food is my favourite but tris really like it, the sushi was nice, but cold noodles with raw quails egg is not my cup of tea! The following day we went to the peak on the tram and for a walk around hong kong park. We had another meal with family which was nice, some of the food was a little bit strange for us but we tried it and it wasnt too bad, this included duck tongue, pigs ears and chickens feet!!! On our last day we went shopping which included a marathon tea trying session in a chinese shop i think we must of drunk about three tea pots worth, we ended up buying 3 types of tea and 2 tea pots! That evening we went out for another meal, this time it was hot pot which is a pot of boiling broth with lots of raw food to cook in it, after tea we went out again with lolita to a few bars. The next day we spent around mongkok before catching our flight to Bangkok.
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