blobbies log travel date beginning week 5
its all going too fast, just 1 more week at Grace House, don't want to think of leaving am gonna really miss the kids, khmer teachers, fellow volunteers and everyone we meet.
school today was fab, usual crazy cycle to school, dodging other bikes, tuk tuks, cars, vans. people, dogs, chickens, whilst making sure i spot and shout halo to all the kids ( they get so upset if you miss them!) oh and the old guy with the spueaky voice just by the weir.
Neil and Ash came to school today think they went home well and truly knackered but with a huge smile from the inside out, thanks for your help guys. Today was such fun, started with drama, we are doing a play. The children (12-18's) not had any lessons like this, learning scripts, showing emtions,all they know is to smile and laugh, dance routines ( sharon they are doing great), and a rather strict and she needs to be drama teacher. I am musical director, I have to start and fade music 3 times very demanding.Costumes by M's and K pupeteers, scenery by the kids and fun by everyone.
made great inroads with the lesson this afternoon in getting the kids to comprehend the texts they read, rather than just read the words. They loved it and want more of the same next week. Injured myself playing football must remember I am 54 not 18 still I did stop the goal!!!
went on a school trip yesterday, 15 kids, 3 cooks, 4 volunteers and 1 khemer teacher in the back of a flat bed truck for an hour and a half, trek up a mountain, stone carvings in the river (the kids not that interested in that) , water fall, they loved that, talk on conservation which they loved, visit another temple on the way home, then making sure sleepy kids and that includes me make it home safe. This was Teen's class 6-10 yr olds, just fab.
Day off tomorrow thinking of going buggy trekking but need to see how arm is (thats my footy injury) then kids footy on sun, its all go here.
passports off getting visas for vietnam, plan to leave next sunday, 1 night in phnon phen then boat to chau duc then we will see. Neil says Ho chi ming city is worth a visit so that will be next destination poss.
So had the s***s, athletes foot, both better now but bruised arm now but otherwise fighting thats it for now till next blog
love to all
- comments
Jennie So glad to hear you are BOTH having a fab time now look after yourself Mr S your be needed back at the OB in one piece!!! We can't believe how fast time is speeding here so it must be hard to gasp you are leaving Grace house already! Take care & look forward to your next adventure :)
brendasetchell Great to read this blog you certainly are packing it in. Glad you remmbered your age even though you don't look it or feel it. Really interested in your drama efforts there is a lot to it, isn't there!? Take care all my love Mum x x