I left Montezuma by speedboat! Just over an hour across the bay with our luggage splash proofed in bin bags - very classy. Then an included transfer to Quepos in an open pickup truck (our bags are out of the bin bags by then, so obviously they don't plan for it raining whilst on dry land... ).
Checked in to hostel, private room shared bathroom and a pool, fab. Well, fab apart from the burping, farting Italian gentleman who was smoking outside his room late at night. Sound really does travel, he might as well have been in my room the acoustics were so good, I also had to walk past him to the bathroom, which of course I needed as soon as I knew he was there. Anyway swiftly upgraded to another quieter room with bathroom with the bonus of hot water and a fridge.
So to the reason I was in Quepos; it is next to Manuel Antonio national park. Caught an early bus and got there at 8.30, as they only let in 800 people a day. It is a truly beautiful place, with deserted beaches and hiking trails where the monkeys play in the trees. I hiked a couple of trails and then sat on a log on a beach, there was a man in the water and his towel and bag were on the sand. Suddenly out of the trees came a raccoon, it ran to the bag and burrowed in pulling everything out. The man was running out of the sea, and the raccoon was running off with some food and a camera! I was kind of frozen as I had taken my camera out to take a photo of the raccoon, not expecting that to happen. Luckily it dropped the camera further into the trees.
Decided not to have swim quite yet (funny that) so went and hiked some more then ended up on a lovely little beach around lunchtime. A different set of raccoons were already pestering some other people so I found a rock in the sand and sat facing the trees and carefully started to eat. Within a few minutes the raccoons were heading my way. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran!
I decided to go back to the main beach and attempt a swim as by now I was extremely hot. I put everything in my rucksack, clipped my boots to the outside and tied my sarong to it. My theory being that a raccoon might be quite strong but everything together would slow it down. I had a really nice swim, and raccoon activity was higher up the beach. People had taken to arming themselves with sticks and couples were taking it in turns to keep lookout. It was quite hilarious really, if it wasn't so annoying. It would have been great just to relax for a few hours, but you really did need to keep watch. One guy from my hostel got bitten by one whilst trying to get it away from his bag- and yes rabies is a real risk here. Hostel pool beckoned rather earlier than expected.
Only two more days left before leaving Costa Rica. Treated myself to a decent hotel near the capital, San Jose. Did my laundry in the hotel self service machines, then spent the evening picking up random items and smelling them and saying Aaaaah! I think this is what happens when you have only been using hostel sinks to wash your clothes.
Later that evening quite bizarrely I noticed I had lost a piece of my tooth - hmmmm careless I hear you say. So in a foreign land and need a dentist a day and a half before flying to Argentina. Thank the lord for dental tourism - yes my hotel was in the midst of what I will call the Costa Rican dental belt. This is where all the Americans come to have their teeth fixed hooray. So English speaking dentist, one very nice new filling, and all for the very reasonable price of £70, sorted.
Spent rest of day in San Jose which to be honest was not very nice although the gold museum was interesting.
Next stop Argentina.....
Paul Munday Pity that you did not take the burping old man with you to the beach - even Racoons might have stayed clear!.
Wendy Caddye Seems a long way to travel just for dental treatment!