Kirst on Tour
About Kirstie
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Album updated
Outram, Singapore

Album updated
Melbourne, Victoria

New blog entry posted
Outram Park, Singapore

Album updated
Ashburton, New Zealand

New blog entry posted
Ashburton, New Zealand
Jane And you know you can come any time you like my lovelie, We are missung you already, the house is lonely and i have a sad heart, thanks for all the weeding and apple picking. we love you loads, us
maddison being locked in a parrot cage sounds well scary
re: My first week in Costa Rica with my new spanish family!Kirstie Thanks looking forward to all the catching up, especially when it involves alcohol. See you all soon I hope x
re: On my last legs - Oz, Singapore and meeting Dr Karl!!!jane Wow i love these, glad you made it home safely... Keep warm i will ring you soon. love J & M xxxxxx
re: photo from 02 April 2013Sam Crichton welcome back, need to catch up with drinks I feel !! Sam xx
re: On my last legs - Oz, Singapore and meeting Dr Karl!!!John Cook Welcome home Kirstie. Congratulations on your successful adventure. I'll give you a call in the next few days.
re: On my last legs - Oz, Singapore and meeting Dr Karl!!!Emma Welcome back - good to catch up on the phone!!
re: On my last legs - Oz, Singapore and meeting Dr Karl!!!Ali Heykirstie you crept in under the radar! WElcome back. When are we having the slide show? OR drinks. Can't wait to hear everything. ALi x
re: On my last legs - Oz, Singapore and meeting Dr Karl!!!- last visited

- travel plan
- Cancun, Mexico
- La Fortuna, Costa Rica
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Lima, Peru
- Quito, Ecuador
- Santiago, Chile
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Christchurch, New Zealand
- Melbourne, Victoria
- Adelaide, South Australia
- Singapore, Singapore
- London, UK
John Cook Welcome home Kirstie. Congratulations on your successful adventure. I'll give you a call in the next few days.
Sam Crichton welcome back, need to catch up with drinks I feel !! Sam xx
Kirstie Thanks looking forward to all the catching up, especially when it involves alcohol. See you all soon I hope x