Traveling Mandy
Hi guys
Ash and K are having a a nap so I have invited Craig to do a guest blog.
Craig - my boss and my parents will read this so keep it clean-ish
Well hello all from the other side of the world. How surprised was I to find the night before our little incan adventure that i would be travelling with 3 other aussies. What a crazy group of people; Ash, Amanda and Kirsty. Those poor Americans Tea and Taylor, I am still not quite sure that they know how to take us all. What a trip, poor Ash and Kirsty fighting the flu on the first few days, i finally understood what they were going thru on day four when after a few beers or so and a bottle of wine i came down with the flu, must respect I would have been calling for a bloody helicopter or porters top carry me off the trail but to their credit they soldiered on, possibly a great advertising opportunity for a brand or two of cold and flu tablets. I am sure you will all hear about the adventure in great detail, let me tell you though that no amount of explanation or pictures can truly capture the beauty and spirit of the trip. I am very lucky to have met 3 wonderful people yes, reach for that bucket, it was an incredible few days with so many memories. I have been introduced to not only sockey but also the loco empanada tour. Its been a blast, I have laughed, cried and thought i was going to pass out, not sure which was from altitude, alcohol or loco empanadas. Time for another beer.
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