Taking one for Team Tuk-Tuk in Bangkok!
Hey Blogsters...Greetings from the land of Thai!
Arrived safely in Bangkok after eleven hour flight sat perfectly in between a 9 month old baby and a weird German! Standard! Headed straight for Khoa San Road, saw an Elephant in the middle of a highway...found a nice hostel on Rambuttri..Thanks Rob (RCJ)! Took a trip down Khoa San Road...unbelievably chaotic (Ping-Pong/Tuk Tuk!) Sampled some local cuisine...spicy spicy hot hot! Washed it down with a Tequila Sunrise & Pina Colda...start as we mean to go on!
First day in Bangkok...sucked in by Tuk-Tuk driver Jin, 40 Baht for 3 hour trip around the sights of Bangkok-obviously too good to be true. Took us to some interesting sights including the Big Budda, Lucky Budda, Golden Mound, Marble Temple. That catch we had been waiting for came in the form of three tailor visits and one jewellery shop stop so that he could get his tokens. Needless to say we were playing the game by the end of it and asking for designs for wedding dresses and party outfits for Hollywood Disco. Marriage proposal count:1.
First big night out in Bangkok- buckets of cocktails and Chang beer flowing all night. Plenty of Bangkok BANT with some gap year young'uns (aaaay) and some Notts Uni grads.
Took Night Bus up north to Chang Mai where we are planning to do a jungle trek with the ellies and visit some of the hill tribes. From here, we are heading to Laos by slow boat- will check in Laos-side some time.
Much love, thanks for the messages- keep them coming! xx
(photos to come)
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