So. The past 9 weeks have been spent in the beautiful country that is New Zealand. I have seen so many amazing things, and only have one week left! OMG!
Wellington was a pretty cool place. I spent two nights in the cool capital of NZ; this was enough time for myself, David, Georgia and Daniell to see the huuuuge and awesome museum. There were so so many exhibitions and loads to see. After 4 hours we were out of it- brain, done. The weird show with strange things moving was the trigger for us to say no more!!! We went to the BASE bar that night which was fun- lots of dancing and wine involved which always makes for a fun night!
We were up early the next day to head to the ferry and to the South Island. EXCITING TIMES! Checking our bags in and getting our tickets... It was like going on holiday! The ferry ride was spent trying to go up on a VERY cold deck, and snoozing, and hanging out with the lovely Kiwi Experience people. I treated myself to a hot chocolate, seeing as I was on holiday. haha. Great views despite the wind and rain.
The long drive to Kaiteriteri was spent praying for the rain to stop. We had booked 3 nights at this tiny little beachside place with one shop and crazy golf. All was good though, and the rain disappeared! When we got there, we headed down to the beach and beach olympics happened, as you do. In the evening we went to the bar and listened to the owner playing the guitar which was cool.
The first day was spent on the beach. Yoga at 8am was a refreshing start! We had a girly beach day and it was lovely. We had our own little beach, and when the tide came in we had to wade across through the sea to the main beach haha. The sun was out and we swam in the sea and it was lush. We cooked a healthy dinner in the evening and then watched Wedding Crashers. Really nice relaxed day.
The next day me, Danielle and Georgia headed up to the Abel Tasman National Park via Water Taxi; the Abel Tasman National Park is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. It's absolutely stunning; beaches and rainforest and we went on a great walk through the forest from one beach to another. At the last beach we stopped for a picnic- a contender for the best picnic spot award for sure. In the evening we played ring of fire (in my bum haha) and had a sing-song with the guitar. Great day!!!
Our final morning in the lovely Kaiteriteri was spent doing yoga on the beach and coming second in the crazy golf tournament (YEAH GEORGIA!). Time to head off to the decidedly weird Westport haha. Once in Westport, we had dinner (2 minute noodles ltd) at the cute hostel with an open fire, then headed off on a three legged bar crawl to get to know some new people. It was fun, and the amount of mullets in Westport made for an interesting evening.
We only had the one night there and then we headed down to Lake Mahinapua, passing the famous Pancake Rocks where we stopped for lunch and Greymouth where we went shopping for costumes. Lake Mahinapua is beautiful, but the kiwi bus stops there because of the Poo pub; it's a crazy place owned by an 80 year old landlord where drinking beer is the name of the game. Our theme was plastic bag party, so me and Georgia went as All Blacks cheerleaders,it was lots of fun. Lots of dancing, again. Good stuff. And we had the biggest steak I've ever seen. It was insane.
Our next stop, Franz Josef. On the way down we stopped at the Bushman's Centre. Such a weird weird place about deer hunting along the West Coast. Bizarre. But when we reached Franz Josef I fell in love. It's one of the most beautiful places I think I've ever been. Ever. It smelt like Autumn and the trees were golden. We opted for the 'flash packer' dorm at our Rainforest Retreat which had a TV in complimentary tea and coffee and hot chocolate!!! Awesome stuff. We made the most of this and relaxed there for the afternoon. The next day, I got a shuttle bus up to the glacier and went walking for the day- it was absolutely beautiful up there. The glacier had retreated a lot since I was last there. I had my packed lunch by Peter's Pool- a lovely, quiet spot with a great view. In the afternoon we had a carving workshop which was interesting, and the went to Monsoon Bar to celebrate Dave's birthday, do Limbo competitions and dance like crazy people.
Our next stop off was Wanaka. The drive here was incredible- long but with such amazing views. The weather was perfect, so the views were even more beautiful. We were so lucky! Again! In Wanaka, me and the girls went down to the lake for a while. I then had a decididly dodgy Sausage and Mash at the BASE bar, then went to see Oz, The Great and Powerful at the cool Paradiso Cinema. We sat on sofas and had chocolate and all lovely things like that.
In the morning we left and headed to Queenstown. On the way down we stopped by Cromwell and Bob my uncle came to collect me. It has been lovely to be in Cromwell and see my lovely family. We went go-karting- woo!!!, saw Charlie at work for Ace of Spades excitment (OMG), worked on the herbs to earn a bit of extra dosh, met their cutie new dog Rocket, visited Kez's new place, visited Armando's Kitchen- both lovely. We went our for dinner to Sombreros in Queenstown then to Cowboys and Winnies WOO FUN, and also to Wanaka for dinner with a few of Bob's friends which was lovely. I also had time to start sorting my life out and get a few interviews for when I return to the UK which is good good stuff.
Myself and Danielle and Georgia also did a road trip and headed to Arrowtown- so so cute. We sat in a beer garden with the sunshine and it was pretty much like home! We had a picnic by Lake Hayes- so beautiful! The headed to Glenorky. The drive was great with simultanuous 'wow's from us.
And that takes me up until now! Only a week left in NZ! Then to Bangkok. OMG.
I'll write soon :)
Love and love and love and love to home <3 cant wait to see you all soon!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- comments
Sandra Pearce What a fantastic trip you have had Lauren, very interesting and was making me think that Ben should have written a blog when he went to Asia. It is a great record of everything for you too as over the years you forget names of places etc.
julie lovely to hear more Lauren.very worried that Anglesey won't ever have the same appeal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!