An update from my happy place. It has been crazy hot and there is no let up in site. There were a couple of thunder showers which produced a grand total of 17 mm of rain. There was lots of thunder and lightening which was great and the storm clouds produced some amazing sunsets. Right now it is dry season but John would sure like to see some rain.
John and I went to Albany, Denmark (the town not the country) and Walpole for a break from the heat. All of these towns are on the coast but the weather had turned a bit and we only swam one day. We did see a very scary tiger snake in one of the tidal pools. I didn't get to close to it.
We did a tour of the Walpole inlet and Nornalup inlet with a great tour company. There were dolphins, lots of birds and sting rays to be seen. One of the sting rays is a very rare albino. Also we did a tree top walk in among the Tingle, Karri and Marri trees. Huge trees not what you would expect in Australia at all.
For the most part we have been doing day to day work around the farm. Spraying for weeds, moving sheep around, feeding sheep (hay, oats and lupins), looking after the chickens and the rest of the barn yard animals. I finally finished those damn windows.
Living on a farm allows us to be quite self sufficient. The garden has been lacking much attention so there are only a few self seeded tomato plants and some herbs. But there could be so much more with a bit of TLC. We get eggs from the chickens and with 4 chickens we are eating lots of eggs. We eat lamb most days so there is the need to butcher sheep every couple of months. The process is very humane and the sheep doesn't suffer.
We have had John's friends around for dinner which is always lots of fun and we usually end up in the "games" room playing pool and listening to music. John plays the harmonica, some nights he will play along. My pool game is much improved in fact John and I won 3 games in a row at the pub the other night. To bad we were not playing for drinks or money. My playing doesn't embarrass John quite as much as it did when I first arrived.
Valentine's Day was great as John and I spent the whole day together. In case you have not read between the lines I have some news. I have a boyfriend. We both realize how complicated this is and we are working to figure out what the future holds for us as a couple. So after that bomb shell I think I will sign off for now. Don't worry I am still coming home.
Feb 24th I leave for Denmark to see my family and celebrate my Uncles 75th birthday. So far it is a surprise. But I really don't want to go. I want to stay here in my very happy place.
Miss you all.
Love Tove.
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