Our final day in Thailand has arrived. After scoffing as much as we could at the resort for breakfast, we've just boarded a nine hour ferry down the West coast of Thailand, to Langkawi, Malaysia. Only this is Thailand, so it's not as simple as that. First the tide was out, so together with our backpacks we were loaded on the back of a tractor on the beach out to the longtail boat, which took us out to a ferry. From here we travelled back to Tonsai Village to catch our nine-hour ferry, which turned out to be an overfilled speedboat to the island of Ko Lanta half an hour south. We were then told to "all change please" on to a ferry. A few hours later we made another unexplained change to another ferry, which has taken us here - our last stop in Thailand: Koh Lipe. Now we're told we're to get into another speed boat which will take us across the boarder into Malaysian water...
Before we go, here's some vital statistics from the Land of Smiles…
Distance travelled: 2,578km
Time spent waiting in airports: 0 hours - no planes here!
Time spent waiting in train stations: 2 hours
Time spent waiting at long-distance bus stops: 3 hours 10 minutes
Time spent waiting at ferry terminals: 1 hour
Total length of all delays to destination: 5 hours 30 minutes
Time spent on trains: 29 hours
Time spent on long-distance buses: 16 hours
Time on long-distance boats: 12 hours
Number of insect bites: Enough to make one Thai woman think we had measles!
Amount of after-sun used: one bottle
Number of times the Lonely Planet failed us: daily
Smile factor scale: 10 out of 10
Number of times we visited a 7 11 supermarket to cool down: Five times daily (minimum)
Average number of chillies in any Thai dish: 10 eye wateringly fiery ones
Number of meals seen in reverse: 1 (birds nest soup)
Number of times we did our laundry: 1 (failed attempt in Chiang Mai- we now have misshapen, AND smelly clothes)
Number of times we were refused entry to swanky bars: 1 (due to said failed laundry attempt)
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